In the next years, it is expected that dramatically improved capability for Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) will be available which will include multiple-frequency civil signals and multiple-constellations (Galileo, a renewed GLONASS, and Compass). To provide robust LPV-200 service worldwide, new Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) algorithms are being developed by various research groups (GEAS, 2008), (Todd Walter et al, 2010), (Livio Gratton et al, 2010). Most of these algorithms assume single satellite failure condition. However the definition of failures would be changed, because the accuracy will be improved, the threshold for failure detection will be reduced. As a result, the prior probability of failures could ...
The accuracy of the navigation solutions can be greatly improved by using modernized GNSS with more ...
Time-Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (T-RAIM) algorithms assess the reliability of the timi...
International audiencethis paper presents an integrity monitoring method in order to provide a preci...
authors' final manuscriptIn near future, GNSS GPS modernization, renewed GLONASS and a new Galileo ...
AbstractIntegrity is significant for safety-of-life applications. Receiver autonomous integrity moni...
With the modernization of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), the tracked satellites will rea...
With the modernization of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), the tracked satellites will rea...
With the rise of enhanced GNSS services over the next decade (i.e. the modernized GPS, Galileo, GLON...
This publication presents the development of integrity monitoring and fault detection and exclusion ...
As for the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), the Global Navigation Satellite System ...
Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) method is an effective means to provide integrity mo...
International audienceWith the full deployment of the Russian Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite S...
How far a user can rely on his navigation system is a central question for safety of life applicati...
In single constellation, such as GPS, BDS, Galileo or GLONASS, the tracked signals are susceptible u...
Absolute RAIM algorithms proposed for vertical guidance are based on a snapshot approach. At a give...
The accuracy of the navigation solutions can be greatly improved by using modernized GNSS with more ...
Time-Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (T-RAIM) algorithms assess the reliability of the timi...
International audiencethis paper presents an integrity monitoring method in order to provide a preci...
authors' final manuscriptIn near future, GNSS GPS modernization, renewed GLONASS and a new Galileo ...
AbstractIntegrity is significant for safety-of-life applications. Receiver autonomous integrity moni...
With the modernization of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), the tracked satellites will rea...
With the modernization of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), the tracked satellites will rea...
With the rise of enhanced GNSS services over the next decade (i.e. the modernized GPS, Galileo, GLON...
This publication presents the development of integrity monitoring and fault detection and exclusion ...
As for the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), the Global Navigation Satellite System ...
Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) method is an effective means to provide integrity mo...
International audienceWith the full deployment of the Russian Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite S...
How far a user can rely on his navigation system is a central question for safety of life applicati...
In single constellation, such as GPS, BDS, Galileo or GLONASS, the tracked signals are susceptible u...
Absolute RAIM algorithms proposed for vertical guidance are based on a snapshot approach. At a give...
The accuracy of the navigation solutions can be greatly improved by using modernized GNSS with more ...
Time-Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (T-RAIM) algorithms assess the reliability of the timi...
International audiencethis paper presents an integrity monitoring method in order to provide a preci...