From a study of 307 patients who underwent operation (CBD exploration and T-tube choledochostomy), from January 1978 to December 1982, we found the following results: 1. From the analysis of 307 patients , we found that 226 cases (73. 6%) were biliary tract stones, 27 cases (8.8%) were parasites , 33 cases 00.7%) were malignancies, 21 cases (6.8%) were benign strictures without stones. 2. Biliary tract stones 1) The ratio between gallbladder stones and CBD stones is 61: 128. 2) Intrahepatic stones are detected in 16.4% of the cases. Left hepatic duct stones were 16 cases, right duct stones were 10 cases and both hepatic duct stones were 11 cases. Twenty one cases out of 34 cases with intrahepatic stones were diagnosed during...
AbstractObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to explore the accuracy of elevated liver function va...
BACKGROUND: Choledocholithiasis or common bile duct stones (CBDS) may occur in up to 3%–14.7% of a...
Introduction: Duodenaldiverticulumiscommon (6-20%). Thesemaybe a difficulty in cannulation of the co...
INTRODUCTION: Choledocholithiasis complicates the working and management of cholelithiasis necessita...
BACKGROUND: Obstructive jaundice is a frequent manifestation of biliary tract disorders. Evaluation...
Calculus disease of the biliary tract is one of the most common problems affecting the digestive tr...
The aim of this study is to evaluate the diagnostic benefit of US in the preoperative screening for ...
INTRODUCTION: Choledocholithiasis is defined as the occurrence of stones in the bile ducts. It is a...
Common bile duct stones (CBDSs) may occur in up to 3%–14.7% of all patients for whom cholecystectomy...
Objective: To determine the frequency of CBD stone on ERCP in gall stone pancreatitis with deranged ...
Background:- CBD stones once confirmed need extraction and conventionally T-tube is used for decompr...
BACKGROUND: Jaundice is a frequent manifestation of biliary tract disorders. Evaluation and manage...
Background:: Cholelithiasis is a very common condition whiich may be complicated by the presence sse...
Contains fulltext : 229818.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Closed access)BACKGROUND: T...
Background:Choledocholithiasis constitutes the main aetiology of non-malignant biliary obstructions....
AbstractObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to explore the accuracy of elevated liver function va...
BACKGROUND: Choledocholithiasis or common bile duct stones (CBDS) may occur in up to 3%–14.7% of a...
Introduction: Duodenaldiverticulumiscommon (6-20%). Thesemaybe a difficulty in cannulation of the co...
INTRODUCTION: Choledocholithiasis complicates the working and management of cholelithiasis necessita...
BACKGROUND: Obstructive jaundice is a frequent manifestation of biliary tract disorders. Evaluation...
Calculus disease of the biliary tract is one of the most common problems affecting the digestive tr...
The aim of this study is to evaluate the diagnostic benefit of US in the preoperative screening for ...
INTRODUCTION: Choledocholithiasis is defined as the occurrence of stones in the bile ducts. It is a...
Common bile duct stones (CBDSs) may occur in up to 3%–14.7% of all patients for whom cholecystectomy...
Objective: To determine the frequency of CBD stone on ERCP in gall stone pancreatitis with deranged ...
Background:- CBD stones once confirmed need extraction and conventionally T-tube is used for decompr...
BACKGROUND: Jaundice is a frequent manifestation of biliary tract disorders. Evaluation and manage...
Background:: Cholelithiasis is a very common condition whiich may be complicated by the presence sse...
Contains fulltext : 229818.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Closed access)BACKGROUND: T...
Background:Choledocholithiasis constitutes the main aetiology of non-malignant biliary obstructions....
AbstractObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to explore the accuracy of elevated liver function va...
BACKGROUND: Choledocholithiasis or common bile duct stones (CBDS) may occur in up to 3%–14.7% of a...
Introduction: Duodenaldiverticulumiscommon (6-20%). Thesemaybe a difficulty in cannulation of the co...