The reversal of a positive integer A is the number obtained by reading A backwards in its decimal representation. A pair (A, B) of positive integers is said to be palindromic if the reversal of the product A × B is equal to the product of the reversals of A and B. A pair (A, B) of positive integers is said to be polynomial if the product A × B can be performed without carry. In this paper, we use polynomial pairs in constructing and in studying the properties of palindromic pairs. It is shown that polynomial pairs are always palindromic. It is further conjectured that, provided that neither A nor B is itself a palindrome, all palindromic pairs are polynomial. A connection is made with classical topics in recreational mathematics such as rev...
Dans cette thèse, différents problèmes de la combinatoire des mots et de géométrie discrète sont con...
Abstract. Let F = 〈a, b 〉 be a rank two free group. A word W (a, b) in F is primitive if it, along w...
Many applications give rise to matrix polynomials whose coefficients have a kind of reversal symmetr...
Everybody has certainly heard about palindromes: words that stay the same when read backwards. For i...
In 1862, substituting for professor O. J. Broch, Ludvig Sylow gives the first lectures ever given on...
Given a polynomial f(x) of degree n, let fr(x) denote its reciprocal, i.e., fr(x) = xnf(1=x). If a p...
The roots of palindromic and antipalindromic polynomials can be grouped in pairs (\lambda,1/\lambda)...
In this paper, we will try to characterize consecutive palindromes - positive integers simultaneous...
A palintiple is a natural number which is an integer multiple of its digit reversal. A previous pape...
Motivated by their intrinsic interest and by applications to the study of numeric palindromes and ot...
We study many properties of compositions of integers by using the symbolic method, multivariate gene...
We give explicit palindrome presentations of the groups of rational knots, that is, presentations wi...
In his delightful little book[l] Kenichiro Kashara introduced the Pseudo-Smarandache function. Delmi...
Abstract: This article ongmates from a proposal by M. L. Perez of American Research Press to carry o...
A simple coin-tossing game leads to the study of real sequences, x and y, with the remarkable proper...
Dans cette thèse, différents problèmes de la combinatoire des mots et de géométrie discrète sont con...
Abstract. Let F = 〈a, b 〉 be a rank two free group. A word W (a, b) in F is primitive if it, along w...
Many applications give rise to matrix polynomials whose coefficients have a kind of reversal symmetr...
Everybody has certainly heard about palindromes: words that stay the same when read backwards. For i...
In 1862, substituting for professor O. J. Broch, Ludvig Sylow gives the first lectures ever given on...
Given a polynomial f(x) of degree n, let fr(x) denote its reciprocal, i.e., fr(x) = xnf(1=x). If a p...
The roots of palindromic and antipalindromic polynomials can be grouped in pairs (\lambda,1/\lambda)...
In this paper, we will try to characterize consecutive palindromes - positive integers simultaneous...
A palintiple is a natural number which is an integer multiple of its digit reversal. A previous pape...
Motivated by their intrinsic interest and by applications to the study of numeric palindromes and ot...
We study many properties of compositions of integers by using the symbolic method, multivariate gene...
We give explicit palindrome presentations of the groups of rational knots, that is, presentations wi...
In his delightful little book[l] Kenichiro Kashara introduced the Pseudo-Smarandache function. Delmi...
Abstract: This article ongmates from a proposal by M. L. Perez of American Research Press to carry o...
A simple coin-tossing game leads to the study of real sequences, x and y, with the remarkable proper...
Dans cette thèse, différents problèmes de la combinatoire des mots et de géométrie discrète sont con...
Abstract. Let F = 〈a, b 〉 be a rank two free group. A word W (a, b) in F is primitive if it, along w...
Many applications give rise to matrix polynomials whose coefficients have a kind of reversal symmetr...