Standardized Patients have been widely used in hospitals and medical schools to train students. The term “Standardized Patients” refers to the specially trained actors who portray patients with particular health conditions or concerns. They are able to give a consistent and pre-defined account of their condition and to answer the full spectrum of questions about themselves. This allows students or other learners to practice taking a medical history and carrying on a logical medical conversation with patients with a variety of diseases. By replacing human actors to chat bot, this project aims to design, create, and develop a system which can act and function like Standardized Patients. The system is called Virtual Patient. Research on...
The School of Pharmacy has developed 3D characters in a virtual environment to simulate interaction ...
The system of higher medical education of the USA is characterized by the significant advance in the...
Abstract Background Literature shows that Virtual Patients (VPs) find extensive usage in the field o...
BACKGROUND: At most institutions, medical students learn communication skills through the use of sta...
Abstract. Interactive computer generated characters can be applied to the medical field as virtual p...
Abstract. Interactive computer generated characters can be applied to the medical field as virtual p...
Over the last 15 years, a virtual revolution has taken place in the use of Virtual Reality simulatio...
Training military clinicians and physicians to treat Soldiers directly impacts their mental and phys...
We describe the Virtual Standardized Patient (VSP) application, having a computerized virtual person...
This paper is about the work of developing a Virtual patient using artificial intelligence and selec...
Virtual patient (VP) is a concept used in the teaching of communication skills, and like physical ex...
The term Virtual Patient (VP) refers to the use of virtual characters which embody patients in a vir...
Virtual Worlds such as Second Life provide unique opportunities to simulate real life scenarios and ...
Objectives: This paper reports on an in-progress study of low-fidelity virtual patients (VPs) create...
Virtual patients have proven to be an effective educational tool for learning and applying clinical ...
The School of Pharmacy has developed 3D characters in a virtual environment to simulate interaction ...
The system of higher medical education of the USA is characterized by the significant advance in the...
Abstract Background Literature shows that Virtual Patients (VPs) find extensive usage in the field o...
BACKGROUND: At most institutions, medical students learn communication skills through the use of sta...
Abstract. Interactive computer generated characters can be applied to the medical field as virtual p...
Abstract. Interactive computer generated characters can be applied to the medical field as virtual p...
Over the last 15 years, a virtual revolution has taken place in the use of Virtual Reality simulatio...
Training military clinicians and physicians to treat Soldiers directly impacts their mental and phys...
We describe the Virtual Standardized Patient (VSP) application, having a computerized virtual person...
This paper is about the work of developing a Virtual patient using artificial intelligence and selec...
Virtual patient (VP) is a concept used in the teaching of communication skills, and like physical ex...
The term Virtual Patient (VP) refers to the use of virtual characters which embody patients in a vir...
Virtual Worlds such as Second Life provide unique opportunities to simulate real life scenarios and ...
Objectives: This paper reports on an in-progress study of low-fidelity virtual patients (VPs) create...
Virtual patients have proven to be an effective educational tool for learning and applying clinical ...
The School of Pharmacy has developed 3D characters in a virtual environment to simulate interaction ...
The system of higher medical education of the USA is characterized by the significant advance in the...
Abstract Background Literature shows that Virtual Patients (VPs) find extensive usage in the field o...