“Red Panda” is an animated film that is constructed based on various cultural themes that are stemmed from the local (Singaporean) culture and history. The project looks into sentimental thematic points of Singapore’s culture such as an education system that has been criticized to be more engrossed with grades and results. The film is approached based on both the inspiration of such a context and also driven by the focus in utilizing digital tools while preserving traditional aesthetics that bear resemblance to aesthetics of a painting (leaning closer to the Impressionistic era). The film extrapolates and translates this vision into a fictional setting and design built by visual metaphors in both character and environment. The project outco...
The design of the 3D mix 2D Animated Movie of the flag-ripping incident at the Hotel Yamato tells a...
Generally, culture is aimed to be preserved the way they are thus maintaining the status quo of thei...
The goal in this final is a 3-D animated film by combining the 2D emotion icons. This is motivated b...
This paper aims to investigate the complex expression of contemporary Singapore daily life and cultu...
Baozha! is a short hand-drawn animated film following the funny and serious struggles of a guardian ...
Animation is a series of images that form a movement that presents a message to the audience through...
Animated movies have had a big impact in the film business all over the world. A lot of these films ...
Our project is a 7-8 minute animated mood piece exploring what it was like to be a kid in Singapore ...
The art of crafting stories for Animation production are extremely crucial. It consists of key eleme...
This project was made to show how animation is not just a film but something that is able to invoke ...
“Wawa” is an animated graduate thesis film with a duration of 10 minutes and 5 seconds. “Wawa” is a ...
“Rhythm” mainly features Burmese traditional art and designs alongside cultural musical performance....
This study aims at developing animated movie series for children as learning media to boost Indonesi...
Animated film “Cio Tao” highlights the topic of Cio Tao ceremony; a maturity ceremony before marriag...
Hawker is a stylized 3D animated short film directed and animated by Chua Jia Jun Gerald over 3 seme...
The design of the 3D mix 2D Animated Movie of the flag-ripping incident at the Hotel Yamato tells a...
Generally, culture is aimed to be preserved the way they are thus maintaining the status quo of thei...
The goal in this final is a 3-D animated film by combining the 2D emotion icons. This is motivated b...
This paper aims to investigate the complex expression of contemporary Singapore daily life and cultu...
Baozha! is a short hand-drawn animated film following the funny and serious struggles of a guardian ...
Animation is a series of images that form a movement that presents a message to the audience through...
Animated movies have had a big impact in the film business all over the world. A lot of these films ...
Our project is a 7-8 minute animated mood piece exploring what it was like to be a kid in Singapore ...
The art of crafting stories for Animation production are extremely crucial. It consists of key eleme...
This project was made to show how animation is not just a film but something that is able to invoke ...
“Wawa” is an animated graduate thesis film with a duration of 10 minutes and 5 seconds. “Wawa” is a ...
“Rhythm” mainly features Burmese traditional art and designs alongside cultural musical performance....
This study aims at developing animated movie series for children as learning media to boost Indonesi...
Animated film “Cio Tao” highlights the topic of Cio Tao ceremony; a maturity ceremony before marriag...
Hawker is a stylized 3D animated short film directed and animated by Chua Jia Jun Gerald over 3 seme...
The design of the 3D mix 2D Animated Movie of the flag-ripping incident at the Hotel Yamato tells a...
Generally, culture is aimed to be preserved the way they are thus maintaining the status quo of thei...
The goal in this final is a 3-D animated film by combining the 2D emotion icons. This is motivated b...