PLANETARY STATUS is an animation short inspired by the International Astronomical Union (IAU)’s announcement which states that Pluto is no longer being classified as a planet. It revolves around the journey of a frantic scientist, Pluto, who desires to be one of the newly enlisted members recruited by Lord Solaris into the exclusive Solaris Club. Pluto tries all his means to get to Lord Solaris’ Palace; unfortunately he is delayed with much hindrance. This project tries to play on the fact that Pluto (the planet) was excluded from the Solar System planet status. The pun attempts to offer the “back story”, explaining this alteration of fact. It reminded us that even a fact could change over time.Bachelor of Fine Art
... continued on p. 8... continued on p. 2 P luto is no longer a planet, so ruledthe International A...
In case you haven\u27t heard, Pluto isn\u27t a planet anymore (and maybe it never was). In grade sch...
The need for an explicit and exact definition of a planet has arise out of the growing rate of disco...
Planetary Status is a 2D animated short film inspired by the downgrade of the planet Pluto in Augus...
An individual reflection of the 'Planetary Status' project. Planetary status is set in the same sola...
Planethood means the state or condition of being a Planet. Clyde.W. Tombough discovered Pluto on mar...
How did we discover the existence of Pluto? Why have we reclassified Pluto as a dwarf planet? What d...
Nearly 100 years ago, astronomers hypothesized that a large celestial object, nicknamed “Planet X,” ...
When the International Astronomical Union (IAU) adopted a new definition of a "planet" in August 200...
Pluto had its classification changed in 2006, from planet to “dwarf planet”. This change had great i...
This video explains the motives why Pluto is not considered a planet anymore. It also brings definit...
A Note from the Author: On August 24, 2006, at the 26th General Assembly of the International Astron...
BRIEF ABSTRACT: The recent action of the International Astronomical Union’s General Assembly in prop...
Examining the work of several renowned astronomers—including NASA's Alan Stern, Minor Planet Center ...
ABSTRACT In 2006, for the first time in its history, the International Astronomical Union defined th...
... continued on p. 8... continued on p. 2 P luto is no longer a planet, so ruledthe International A...
In case you haven\u27t heard, Pluto isn\u27t a planet anymore (and maybe it never was). In grade sch...
The need for an explicit and exact definition of a planet has arise out of the growing rate of disco...
Planetary Status is a 2D animated short film inspired by the downgrade of the planet Pluto in Augus...
An individual reflection of the 'Planetary Status' project. Planetary status is set in the same sola...
Planethood means the state or condition of being a Planet. Clyde.W. Tombough discovered Pluto on mar...
How did we discover the existence of Pluto? Why have we reclassified Pluto as a dwarf planet? What d...
Nearly 100 years ago, astronomers hypothesized that a large celestial object, nicknamed “Planet X,” ...
When the International Astronomical Union (IAU) adopted a new definition of a "planet" in August 200...
Pluto had its classification changed in 2006, from planet to “dwarf planet”. This change had great i...
This video explains the motives why Pluto is not considered a planet anymore. It also brings definit...
A Note from the Author: On August 24, 2006, at the 26th General Assembly of the International Astron...
BRIEF ABSTRACT: The recent action of the International Astronomical Union’s General Assembly in prop...
Examining the work of several renowned astronomers—including NASA's Alan Stern, Minor Planet Center ...
ABSTRACT In 2006, for the first time in its history, the International Astronomical Union defined th...
... continued on p. 8... continued on p. 2 P luto is no longer a planet, so ruledthe International A...
In case you haven\u27t heard, Pluto isn\u27t a planet anymore (and maybe it never was). In grade sch...
The need for an explicit and exact definition of a planet has arise out of the growing rate of disco...