Progress is a short film set in a dystopian, totalitarian state of the near future, and follows a momentous day in the lives of Sergeant Major Lam, who’s on a mission to take down a rebel building, and his daughter, Erika, who, as he shockingly discovers, fights for the rebels. This report will go through the various thought processes and different stages of production that helped this short film project "Progress", become the work it is.Bachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Filmmakin
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
This project is a 15 to 20 minute short film giving visibility on the reality of how success is meas...
Director's report on the making of the short film: Tomorrow.Bachelor of Fine Art
Progress is a short film set in a dystopian, totalitarian state of the near future, and follows a mo...
Progress is a short film set in a dystopian, totalitarian state of the near future, and follows a mo...
Progress depicts IZAN, a dystopian nation, embroiled in a civil war that pits its totalitarian milit...
The Final-Year Project (FYP) documented in this report was a Live-action Visual Effects short film t...
The Final-Year Project (FYP) documented in this report was a Live-action Visual Effects short film t...
This report will document the entire process of the sound plan throughout pre-production, location s...
The Recent Past is an experimental short film exploring the impermanence of life, and follows the pr...
This reports serves as a reflection on my experience working on the short film, Han. It gives an ins...
The Final-Year Project (FYP) documented in this report was a Live-action Visual Effects short film t...
This project is a creative endeavor that explores the process of creating a short film from start to...
This report documents the journey of creating the short film - "Rocketship", from pre-production to ...
textThis report will summarize the process of writing, developing, directing, and finishing the 35mm...
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
This project is a 15 to 20 minute short film giving visibility on the reality of how success is meas...
Director's report on the making of the short film: Tomorrow.Bachelor of Fine Art
Progress is a short film set in a dystopian, totalitarian state of the near future, and follows a mo...
Progress is a short film set in a dystopian, totalitarian state of the near future, and follows a mo...
Progress depicts IZAN, a dystopian nation, embroiled in a civil war that pits its totalitarian milit...
The Final-Year Project (FYP) documented in this report was a Live-action Visual Effects short film t...
The Final-Year Project (FYP) documented in this report was a Live-action Visual Effects short film t...
This report will document the entire process of the sound plan throughout pre-production, location s...
The Recent Past is an experimental short film exploring the impermanence of life, and follows the pr...
This reports serves as a reflection on my experience working on the short film, Han. It gives an ins...
The Final-Year Project (FYP) documented in this report was a Live-action Visual Effects short film t...
This project is a creative endeavor that explores the process of creating a short film from start to...
This report documents the journey of creating the short film - "Rocketship", from pre-production to ...
textThis report will summarize the process of writing, developing, directing, and finishing the 35mm...
This is a report on the process of how an animated film progresses. The film is about a 3D Digital A...
This project is a 15 to 20 minute short film giving visibility on the reality of how success is meas...
Director's report on the making of the short film: Tomorrow.Bachelor of Fine Art