Ovim radom je prikazan cjelokupni rast i razvoj paprike, od pripreme sjemena, sjetve, tretiranja protiv bolesti te na samom kraju berbe. Najznačajnije bolesti na paprici su polijeganje rasada uzrokovane gljivama Rhizoctonia solani, Sclerotinia spp., Pythium spp., Phytophthora capisici, Fusarium sp. i plamenjača uzrokovana gljivom Peronospora tabacina. Javljaju se gotovo svake godine samo u različitoj mjeri, ovisno o vremenskim prilikama te se svake godine obavljaju preventivna i, po potrebi, kurativna tretiranja. Na PG- u Grgić osim bolesti, značajne štete ovisno o godini pričinjava kukuruzni moljac Ostrinia nubilalis.This paper presents the entire growth and development of peppers: seed preparation, sowing, disease treatment and, at the en...
During the last decade, bacterial diseases appeared to be a serious problem in the production of pep...
Among the diseases reported on black pepper (Piper nigrum L.), blight, root rot and basal wilt ...
Bacterial spot of pepper and tomato regularly causes losses in production in Serbia. According to th...
Ovim radom je prikazan cjelokupni rast i razvoj paprike, od pripreme sjemena, sjetve, tretiranja pro...
U radu su prikazani rezultati praćenja pojave bolesti paprici na OPG Miroslav Komar iz Vukosavljevic...
Pepper is one of the most important vegetable crops in Serbia. Viral diseases, directly influence yi...
One of the most important problems affecting pepper production in the Balkan peninsula is the occurr...
Paprika (Capsicum annuum L.) je vrlo cijenjeno povrće bogato ljekovitim sastojcima i stoga ima znača...
This study was undertaken to show survive of different pathogens on pepper plants Capsicum annuum L....
This paper reviews taxonomy, importance and diseases of pepper plants belonging to Capsicum genus. F...
Uzorci obolelih delova biljaka paprike sa simptomima uvenuća i truleži korena i prizemnog dela stabl...
The goal of these examinations was to confirm the presence of diseases, pests, and weeds in the pepp...
Bacterial diseases are very common in tomato and pepper crops, especially under favourable weather c...
In the south-eastern part of Yugoslavia ,i.e. in Macedonia, Serbia, North- asrtern Bosnia and Easter...
U radu je prikazano praćenje bolesti plodovitog povrća na poljoprivrednom gospodarstvu OPG Japarić i...
During the last decade, bacterial diseases appeared to be a serious problem in the production of pep...
Among the diseases reported on black pepper (Piper nigrum L.), blight, root rot and basal wilt ...
Bacterial spot of pepper and tomato regularly causes losses in production in Serbia. According to th...
Ovim radom je prikazan cjelokupni rast i razvoj paprike, od pripreme sjemena, sjetve, tretiranja pro...
U radu su prikazani rezultati praćenja pojave bolesti paprici na OPG Miroslav Komar iz Vukosavljevic...
Pepper is one of the most important vegetable crops in Serbia. Viral diseases, directly influence yi...
One of the most important problems affecting pepper production in the Balkan peninsula is the occurr...
Paprika (Capsicum annuum L.) je vrlo cijenjeno povrće bogato ljekovitim sastojcima i stoga ima znača...
This study was undertaken to show survive of different pathogens on pepper plants Capsicum annuum L....
This paper reviews taxonomy, importance and diseases of pepper plants belonging to Capsicum genus. F...
Uzorci obolelih delova biljaka paprike sa simptomima uvenuća i truleži korena i prizemnog dela stabl...
The goal of these examinations was to confirm the presence of diseases, pests, and weeds in the pepp...
Bacterial diseases are very common in tomato and pepper crops, especially under favourable weather c...
In the south-eastern part of Yugoslavia ,i.e. in Macedonia, Serbia, North- asrtern Bosnia and Easter...
U radu je prikazano praćenje bolesti plodovitog povrća na poljoprivrednom gospodarstvu OPG Japarić i...
During the last decade, bacterial diseases appeared to be a serious problem in the production of pep...
Among the diseases reported on black pepper (Piper nigrum L.), blight, root rot and basal wilt ...
Bacterial spot of pepper and tomato regularly causes losses in production in Serbia. According to th...