During early 2019, a series of events set the stage for devastating floods in eastern Nebraska, western Iowa, and southeastern South Dakota. When the floodwaters hit, dams and levees failed, cutting off towns, while destroying roads, bridges, and rail lines, further exacerbating the crisis. Lives were lost and thousands of cattle were stranded. Estimates indicate that the cost of the flooding has topped $3 billion as of August 2019, with this number expected to rise. After a warm and wet start to winter, eastern Nebraska, western Iowa, and southeastern South Dakota endured anomalously low temperatures and record-breaking snowfall. By March 2019, rivers were frozen, frost depths were 60-90 cm, and the water equivalent of the snowpack was 30-...
Flood losses in the United States have increased dramatically over the course of the past century, a...
Over the last 20 years, the amount of streamflow has greatly increased and spring snowmelt floods ha...
Ice jams and their floods occur during winter and spring in the northeastern U.S. and can have local...
During early 2019, a series of events set the stage for devastating floods in eastern Nebraska, west...
During early 2019, a series of events set the stage for devastating floods in eastern Nebraska and w...
In the wake of Winter Storm Ulmer, an intense "bomb cyclone" that set preliminary low-pressure recor...
Over the last 20 years, the amount of streamflow has greatly increased and spring snowmelt floods ha...
This study examined roadway flooding event data provided by the Nebraska Department of Transportatio...
A snapshot of water resource trends prepared by the Iowa DNR in collaboration with the Iowa Departme...
Roadway resilience across the 10,000 miles of road and 3,500 bridges in Nebraska is critical to the ...
Certain areas of the midwestern United states are normally blessed with sufficient quantities of wa...
The authors investigate the meteorology associated with two elongated swaths of crop damage produced...
In March of 2019, flooding levels in many parts of Nebraska was the worst that streams and rivers ha...
Highlights for the Basin Temperature Anomalies Plains Snowpack Agriculture Energy Transportation Tem...
Spatiotemporal Variability of Nebraska Hail Events From 1990 – 2019 Jessica Edwards Abstract As a re...
Flood losses in the United States have increased dramatically over the course of the past century, a...
Over the last 20 years, the amount of streamflow has greatly increased and spring snowmelt floods ha...
Ice jams and their floods occur during winter and spring in the northeastern U.S. and can have local...
During early 2019, a series of events set the stage for devastating floods in eastern Nebraska, west...
During early 2019, a series of events set the stage for devastating floods in eastern Nebraska and w...
In the wake of Winter Storm Ulmer, an intense "bomb cyclone" that set preliminary low-pressure recor...
Over the last 20 years, the amount of streamflow has greatly increased and spring snowmelt floods ha...
This study examined roadway flooding event data provided by the Nebraska Department of Transportatio...
A snapshot of water resource trends prepared by the Iowa DNR in collaboration with the Iowa Departme...
Roadway resilience across the 10,000 miles of road and 3,500 bridges in Nebraska is critical to the ...
Certain areas of the midwestern United states are normally blessed with sufficient quantities of wa...
The authors investigate the meteorology associated with two elongated swaths of crop damage produced...
In March of 2019, flooding levels in many parts of Nebraska was the worst that streams and rivers ha...
Highlights for the Basin Temperature Anomalies Plains Snowpack Agriculture Energy Transportation Tem...
Spatiotemporal Variability of Nebraska Hail Events From 1990 – 2019 Jessica Edwards Abstract As a re...
Flood losses in the United States have increased dramatically over the course of the past century, a...
Over the last 20 years, the amount of streamflow has greatly increased and spring snowmelt floods ha...
Ice jams and their floods occur during winter and spring in the northeastern U.S. and can have local...