In situ temperature-dependent Raman spectroscopic measurements of two partially amorphous (metamict) titanite samples with accumulated radiation doses ~1.2 × 1018 α-events/g (E2335) and ~2.2 ×1018 α-events/g (M28696) and amorphous fractions of 0.24 and 0.5, respectively, provide evidence for a thermally induced transformation analogous to the phase transition P21/c ↔ C2/c, which is characteristic of endmember titanite (CaTiSiO5). Quantitative analysis of the temperature evolution of the wavenumbers and widths of Raman-active vibrations in both partially amorphous titanites reveals an anomaly near 500 K which is consistent with the P21/c ↔ C2/c phase-transition temperature of titanite close to its endmember composition. The observed spectral...
Elastic material properties of metamict titanite (sample E2312) during thermally induced stepwise re...
X-ray diffraction rocking curves of titanite, CaTiSiO 5 , were measured using a novel high-resolutio...
Studying the lattice stability of ilmenite-type compounds under extreme conditions such as high temp...
Pure titanite is a mineral with chemical composition $CaTiSiO_{5}$. Its structure consists of corner...
The thermal behaviour of natural titanite has been studied using infrared and Raman spectroscopy, li...
X-ray diffraction technique and hard mode infrared spectroscopy were used to study the thermal behav...
International audienceRecent studies have shown that a-damage in titanite influences He diffusivity ...
Titanite, CaTiSiOS, and malayaite, CaSnSiOs, are isostructural. Both minerals exhibit a thermal anom...
We have measured the elastic response of radiation-damaged titanite, CaTiSiO5, as a function of ther...
In this study it is shown that the antiferrodistortive phase transition in titanite, CaTiSiO5, is a ...
Titania hydrolysates prepared from the hydrolysis of both unmodified and modified tetraisopropoxytit...
We have measured the dose dependence of the degree of amorphization of titanite, CaTiSiO5. Titanite ...
The results of a high temperature single crystal X-ray diffraction study of synthetic titanite withi...
Iron is a ubiquitous impurity in metamict (radiation-damaged and partially amorphized) materials suc...
The thermal evolution of amorphous TiO2 powders, consisting of spherical particles and prepared by h...
Elastic material properties of metamict titanite (sample E2312) during thermally induced stepwise re...
X-ray diffraction rocking curves of titanite, CaTiSiO 5 , were measured using a novel high-resolutio...
Studying the lattice stability of ilmenite-type compounds under extreme conditions such as high temp...
Pure titanite is a mineral with chemical composition $CaTiSiO_{5}$. Its structure consists of corner...
The thermal behaviour of natural titanite has been studied using infrared and Raman spectroscopy, li...
X-ray diffraction technique and hard mode infrared spectroscopy were used to study the thermal behav...
International audienceRecent studies have shown that a-damage in titanite influences He diffusivity ...
Titanite, CaTiSiOS, and malayaite, CaSnSiOs, are isostructural. Both minerals exhibit a thermal anom...
We have measured the elastic response of radiation-damaged titanite, CaTiSiO5, as a function of ther...
In this study it is shown that the antiferrodistortive phase transition in titanite, CaTiSiO5, is a ...
Titania hydrolysates prepared from the hydrolysis of both unmodified and modified tetraisopropoxytit...
We have measured the dose dependence of the degree of amorphization of titanite, CaTiSiO5. Titanite ...
The results of a high temperature single crystal X-ray diffraction study of synthetic titanite withi...
Iron is a ubiquitous impurity in metamict (radiation-damaged and partially amorphized) materials suc...
The thermal evolution of amorphous TiO2 powders, consisting of spherical particles and prepared by h...
Elastic material properties of metamict titanite (sample E2312) during thermally induced stepwise re...
X-ray diffraction rocking curves of titanite, CaTiSiO 5 , were measured using a novel high-resolutio...
Studying the lattice stability of ilmenite-type compounds under extreme conditions such as high temp...