Vidno radno pamćenje i selektivna pažnja predstavljaju vrlo važne mehanizme za svakodnevno kognitivno funkcioniranje. U istraživanjima ova dva procesa najčešće korištena paradigma jest paradigma retroaktivnog signala. U toj se paradigmi ispitanicima naknadno istakne (signalizira) jedan od podražaja prethodno pohranjenih u vidno radno pamćenje. Istraživanja pokazuju da dovoĎenje nekog podražaja u fokus pažnje ovom metodom dovodi do povoljnog učinka na dosjećanje tog podražaja u terminima povećanja vjerojatnosti njegovog točnog dosjećanja i preciznosti dosjećanja. U ovom istraživanju cilj je bio provjeriti kakva je uloga pouzdanosti retroaktivnog signala na dosjećanje podražaja iz vidnog radnog pamćenja te analizirati moguće mehanizme u pozad...
In “The development of retro-cue benefits with extensive practice” I demonstrated that retrospective...
In visual working memory (VWM) tasks, participants’ performance can be improved by a retro-objectcue...
Orienting attention to a memorized scene using an endogenous cue positively favors processing, in a ...
Vidno radno pamćenje i selektivna pažnja predstavljaju vrlo važne mehanizme za svakodnevno kognitivn...
Temeljno obilježje vidnoga radnog pamćenja jest da preciznost dosjećanja opada porastom broja podraž...
Fornecer dicas durante o período de manutenção de estímulos em tarefas de memória de trabalho melhor...
Human observers can maintain multiple items in working memory. Unequal allocation of attention durin...
Accessing the contents of visual short-term memory (VSTM) is compromised by information bottlenecks ...
Accessing the contents of visual short-term memory (VSTM) is compromised by information bottlenecks ...
In working memory (WM) tasks, performance can be boosted by directing attention to one memory object...
Retrospectively cueing an item retained in visual working memory during maintenance is known to impr...
Attention has multiple influences on visual working memory (VWM). Fluctuations in sustained attentio...
Retro-cue effect (RCE) refers to the phenomenon that individuals can use retro-cues to improve their...
Glavna karakteristika vidnog radnog pamćenja (VRP) je njegov ograničen kapacitet. VRP se mora konsta...
Visual working memory (VWM) performance can be improved by retrospectively cueing an item. The valid...
In “The development of retro-cue benefits with extensive practice” I demonstrated that retrospective...
In visual working memory (VWM) tasks, participants’ performance can be improved by a retro-objectcue...
Orienting attention to a memorized scene using an endogenous cue positively favors processing, in a ...
Vidno radno pamćenje i selektivna pažnja predstavljaju vrlo važne mehanizme za svakodnevno kognitivn...
Temeljno obilježje vidnoga radnog pamćenja jest da preciznost dosjećanja opada porastom broja podraž...
Fornecer dicas durante o período de manutenção de estímulos em tarefas de memória de trabalho melhor...
Human observers can maintain multiple items in working memory. Unequal allocation of attention durin...
Accessing the contents of visual short-term memory (VSTM) is compromised by information bottlenecks ...
Accessing the contents of visual short-term memory (VSTM) is compromised by information bottlenecks ...
In working memory (WM) tasks, performance can be boosted by directing attention to one memory object...
Retrospectively cueing an item retained in visual working memory during maintenance is known to impr...
Attention has multiple influences on visual working memory (VWM). Fluctuations in sustained attentio...
Retro-cue effect (RCE) refers to the phenomenon that individuals can use retro-cues to improve their...
Glavna karakteristika vidnog radnog pamćenja (VRP) je njegov ograničen kapacitet. VRP se mora konsta...
Visual working memory (VWM) performance can be improved by retrospectively cueing an item. The valid...
In “The development of retro-cue benefits with extensive practice” I demonstrated that retrospective...
In visual working memory (VWM) tasks, participants’ performance can be improved by a retro-objectcue...
Orienting attention to a memorized scene using an endogenous cue positively favors processing, in a ...