The point of this article was to present the continuity of John Paul II’s teaching with the teaching of his predecessors and, at the same time, what was novelty and contribution in the care of the Apostleship of the Sea. The contribution included organization of structures and essential documents to which those responsible for the Apostleship of the Sea may refer.Artykuł omawia wkład Jana Pawła II w rozwój duszpasterstwa ludzi morza (DLM). Najpierw przedstawiono terminologię, następnie wkład poprzedników Jana Pawła II w instytucjonalizowanie i rozwój duszpasterstwa ludzi morza, a następnie inicjatywy Jana Pawła II w tym zakresie, a więc: doprecyzowanie terminu „ludzie morza”; wskazanie potrzeby solidarności ludzi morza; podniesienie rangi D...
The author pinpoints that the Church is one of the subsystems of the universal society, and in recen...
W kontekście 100. rocznicy urodzin św. Jana Pawła II Autor podejmuje próbę oceny wkładu papieża w m...
The Holy See and the main problems of the United Nations during the course of John Paul II’s pontifi...
The point of this article was to present the continuity of John Paul II’s teaching with the teaching...
The purpose of the article is to show the teaching of St. John Paul II on the Thessaloniki Brothers ...
The teachings of Holy Father John Paul II constantly remind us of the importance of human dignity. T...
The long pontificate of John Paul II was a time for the Church to continue reflecting on the fundame...
Anyone undertaking a task to describe an attitude of John Paul II towards scholars of antiquity face...
The purpose of this article is to evaluate the person and the pontificate of Saint John Paul II due ...
The paper tries to answer the question whether John Paul II was an apologist of Christianity. Moving...
During his pilgrimages to his homeland, John Paul II was teaching his countrymen about the problems ...
The international significance of St. John Paul II’s social teaching The teaching of John Paul II...
The "international community and the "global affairs" in the teaching and activity of John Paul II ...
Jan Paweł II przez 27 lat pontyfikatu sprawował władzę nad Patrimonium Ecclesiae, które stanowi znac...
Pope John Pauls II is the most famous person in Polish history. He has been acclaimed as one of the ...
The author pinpoints that the Church is one of the subsystems of the universal society, and in recen...
W kontekście 100. rocznicy urodzin św. Jana Pawła II Autor podejmuje próbę oceny wkładu papieża w m...
The Holy See and the main problems of the United Nations during the course of John Paul II’s pontifi...
The point of this article was to present the continuity of John Paul II’s teaching with the teaching...
The purpose of the article is to show the teaching of St. John Paul II on the Thessaloniki Brothers ...
The teachings of Holy Father John Paul II constantly remind us of the importance of human dignity. T...
The long pontificate of John Paul II was a time for the Church to continue reflecting on the fundame...
Anyone undertaking a task to describe an attitude of John Paul II towards scholars of antiquity face...
The purpose of this article is to evaluate the person and the pontificate of Saint John Paul II due ...
The paper tries to answer the question whether John Paul II was an apologist of Christianity. Moving...
During his pilgrimages to his homeland, John Paul II was teaching his countrymen about the problems ...
The international significance of St. John Paul II’s social teaching The teaching of John Paul II...
The "international community and the "global affairs" in the teaching and activity of John Paul II ...
Jan Paweł II przez 27 lat pontyfikatu sprawował władzę nad Patrimonium Ecclesiae, które stanowi znac...
Pope John Pauls II is the most famous person in Polish history. He has been acclaimed as one of the ...
The author pinpoints that the Church is one of the subsystems of the universal society, and in recen...
W kontekście 100. rocznicy urodzin św. Jana Pawła II Autor podejmuje próbę oceny wkładu papieża w m...
The Holy See and the main problems of the United Nations during the course of John Paul II’s pontifi...