359PEREMPUAN DALAM PENGELOLAAN SURAT KABARDI SULAWESI TENGAH(Studi Posisi dan Peran Perempuan dalam Media Cetak)Oleh : Ilyas1ABSTRACTWomen’s presentation in mass media, especially in printed media,is always in a negative sense. They are living as a decoration and sexualobject. We can say that this is hapening due to the patriarchal culturewhich make people who work in a media is dominated by male and theprocess of media is also dominated by them.The main reason of this research is to answer the question, 1. Howmany women is involved in the process of printed media in CentralSulawesi 2. Can women who involved in printed media influence the policyof media related to gender issue 3. Into which many levels mass mediamanagement gives a tolerance...