Given the effectiveness of semiconductor devices for classical computation one is naturally led to consider semiconductor systems for solid state quantum information processing. Semiconductors are particularly suitable where local control of electric fields and charge transport are required. Conventional semiconductor electronics is built upon these capabilities and has demonstrated scaling to large complicated arrays of interconnected devices. However, the requirements for a quantum computer are very different from those for classical computation, and it is not immediately obvious how best to build one in a semiconductor. One possible approach is to use spins as qubits: of nuclei, of electrons, or both in combination. Long qubit coherence ...
The understanding of quantum mechanics enabled the development of technology such as transistors and...
A quantum computer utilizes the laws of quantum mechanics and performs logic operations on quantum t...
Coherent dressing of a quantum two-level system provides access to a new quantum system with improve...
Given the effectiveness of semiconductor devices for classical computation one is naturally led to c...
Given the effectiveness of semiconductor devices for classical computation one is naturally led to c...
While Si and Si-based materials have dominated classical electronic device technology for 50 years, ...
A computer with quantum mechanical building blocks, or qubits, promises a new class of computational...
Donor-based spin qubits in silicon are promising candidates for solid-state quantum computation as t...
Spin is a quantum mechanical property that describes the magnetic orientation of elementary and comp...
As classical computers begin to reach their fundamental performance limits, quantum computers will b...
The spin of an electron or a nucleus in a semiconductor(1) naturally implements the unit of quantum ...
Quantum computers have gained great attention in the recent past, with their promise for solving exc...
Over the past several decades, quantum information science research has proven its importance to the...
The discovery of quantum algorithms that can outperform the best known classical algorithms for cert...
Quantum computing could enable exponential speedups for certain classes of problems by exploiting su...
The understanding of quantum mechanics enabled the development of technology such as transistors and...
A quantum computer utilizes the laws of quantum mechanics and performs logic operations on quantum t...
Coherent dressing of a quantum two-level system provides access to a new quantum system with improve...
Given the effectiveness of semiconductor devices for classical computation one is naturally led to c...
Given the effectiveness of semiconductor devices for classical computation one is naturally led to c...
While Si and Si-based materials have dominated classical electronic device technology for 50 years, ...
A computer with quantum mechanical building blocks, or qubits, promises a new class of computational...
Donor-based spin qubits in silicon are promising candidates for solid-state quantum computation as t...
Spin is a quantum mechanical property that describes the magnetic orientation of elementary and comp...
As classical computers begin to reach their fundamental performance limits, quantum computers will b...
The spin of an electron or a nucleus in a semiconductor(1) naturally implements the unit of quantum ...
Quantum computers have gained great attention in the recent past, with their promise for solving exc...
Over the past several decades, quantum information science research has proven its importance to the...
The discovery of quantum algorithms that can outperform the best known classical algorithms for cert...
Quantum computing could enable exponential speedups for certain classes of problems by exploiting su...
The understanding of quantum mechanics enabled the development of technology such as transistors and...
A quantum computer utilizes the laws of quantum mechanics and performs logic operations on quantum t...
Coherent dressing of a quantum two-level system provides access to a new quantum system with improve...