Penentuan jantina burung adalah penting untuk tujuan kajian ekologi dan biologi evolusi, serta program pembiakan dan konservasi terutamanya bagi burung yang mempunyai ciri monomorfik. Bagi burung pungguk jelapang Tyto alba, pengesahan jantina adalah penting untuk konservasi serta program pengenalan bagi kawalan tikus perosak. Penentuan jantina secara molekular untuk subspesies Asia Tenggara, Tyto alba javanica, telah dijalankan menggunakan Reaksi Rantai Polimerase (PCR) diikuti 3% gel agaros elektroforesis. Primer P2/P8 and 2550F/2718R untuk amplifikasi gen CHD (Chromo Helicase DNA-binding gene) diuji dan kedua-dua set primer memberi keputusan yang berjaya. Set primer 2550F/2718R memberi hasil yang lebih baik kerana jurang di antara jalur b...
Numerous avian species are sexually monomorphic, especially nestlings, posing difficulties in determ...
Penentuan jenis kelamin pada burung monomorfik sangat diperlukan karena burung tersebut tidak dapat ...
The Changeable hawk-eagle (Brontok eagle) is a protected bird species. It is one of the most frequen...
Penentuan jantina burung adalah penting untuk tujuan kajian ekologi dan biologi evolusi, serta progr...
Abstract. Pamulang YV, Haryanto A. 2021. Short Communication: Molecular bird sexing on kutilang (Pyc...
This study aimed to determine the sex of Tanimbar Cockatoo (Cacatua goffiniana) birds by amplifying ...
Visually identifying the sex of a bird can be difficult. It cannot be done in half the world's speci...
This thesis is focused on determining the sex of the Long-eared Owl (Asio otus). Bird feathers were ...
This study aimed to determine the sex of Tanimbar Cockatoo (Cacatua goffiniana) birds by amplifying ...
Bebrapa spesies dari genus Pycnonotus spp bersifat monomorfik diantaranya merbah cerucuk (Pycnonotus...
The yellow-crested cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea, Gmelin 1788) is an endemic bird in eastern part of I...
Bali Starling (Leucopsar rothschildi) are monomorphic at the age of nestling. For the conservation o...
Penentuan jenis kelamin burung sejak anakan diperlukan untuk kepentingan konservasi. Burung Jalak Ba...
Molecular sexing for bird with polymerase chain reaction-based method have been developed, but the s...
Fischeri Lovebird (Agapornis fischeri) found originally in Africa which has spread to many countries...
Numerous avian species are sexually monomorphic, especially nestlings, posing difficulties in determ...
Penentuan jenis kelamin pada burung monomorfik sangat diperlukan karena burung tersebut tidak dapat ...
The Changeable hawk-eagle (Brontok eagle) is a protected bird species. It is one of the most frequen...
Penentuan jantina burung adalah penting untuk tujuan kajian ekologi dan biologi evolusi, serta progr...
Abstract. Pamulang YV, Haryanto A. 2021. Short Communication: Molecular bird sexing on kutilang (Pyc...
This study aimed to determine the sex of Tanimbar Cockatoo (Cacatua goffiniana) birds by amplifying ...
Visually identifying the sex of a bird can be difficult. It cannot be done in half the world's speci...
This thesis is focused on determining the sex of the Long-eared Owl (Asio otus). Bird feathers were ...
This study aimed to determine the sex of Tanimbar Cockatoo (Cacatua goffiniana) birds by amplifying ...
Bebrapa spesies dari genus Pycnonotus spp bersifat monomorfik diantaranya merbah cerucuk (Pycnonotus...
The yellow-crested cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea, Gmelin 1788) is an endemic bird in eastern part of I...
Bali Starling (Leucopsar rothschildi) are monomorphic at the age of nestling. For the conservation o...
Penentuan jenis kelamin burung sejak anakan diperlukan untuk kepentingan konservasi. Burung Jalak Ba...
Molecular sexing for bird with polymerase chain reaction-based method have been developed, but the s...
Fischeri Lovebird (Agapornis fischeri) found originally in Africa which has spread to many countries...
Numerous avian species are sexually monomorphic, especially nestlings, posing difficulties in determ...
Penentuan jenis kelamin pada burung monomorfik sangat diperlukan karena burung tersebut tidak dapat ...
The Changeable hawk-eagle (Brontok eagle) is a protected bird species. It is one of the most frequen...