Artikel ini cuba membahaskan persoalan mengenai siapakah pengasas atau pelopor (pioneer) usul al-fiqh (the principles of islamic jurisprudence). Ini disebabkan terdapat beberapa dakwaan dari beberapa pihak bahawa pengasas madzhab mereka adalah pengasas bidang tersebut. Jadi, adakah benar al-Shafi\u27i yang dikenali sebagai "master architect of jurisprudence" orang pertama yang mempelopori bidang usul al-fiqh. Ia juga membicarakan kesignifikanan kitab al-Risalah serta beberapa istilah yang digunakan dalam menghuraikan pencapaian al-Shafi\u27i dalam ilmu usul al-fiqh
In study of Islamic law there is an interesting topic to discuss, that is maqasid al-shari‘ah. Recen...
Ijtihad conducted by Ali ibn Abi Talib continuously to understand in depth the purpose of Islamic la...
Basically, Islamic legal thought is very demanding a person's understanding of the Qur'an and alhadi...
This paper discusses Shafi'i’s model of da’wah in the discovery of Islamic law. Al-Shafi'i is one of...
Adalah amat penting bagi seseorang Muslim bermazhab Shafie yang mempelopori wilayah Asia Tenggara un...
Abstract: This paper specifically investigates conceptual contribution of al-Shafi'iy -as contained ...
This study dealt with the establishment and efforts of Imam Al shafi\u27i in the science of jurispru...
Imam Shafi'i is a mujtahid/scholar who has created a masterpiece in the world of Islam. He is the fi...
Artikel ini cuba menjelaskan konsep al-sunnah mengikut pandangan al-Shaft\u27i. Beberapa kes dirujuk...
Tengku Muhammad Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy is one of the most influential scholars in Islamic law reform in...
Fikih dn Usul Fikih merupakan dua ilmu yang diantara keduanya terdapat hubungan kausalitas. Fikih ad...
writing and codification in Islamic history. He was the student of Imam Abu Hanifa and was fellow of...
Muhammad ibn Idris al-Shafi'i (d. 204 H.), the subject of the present thesis, was a Muslim legist wh...
Rapid development in all fields especially in economic and medical sciences has made the attention o...
Berdasarkan berbagai keterangan dalam Kitab Suci dan Hadis Nabi, dapatlah dikatakan bahwa shalat ada...
In study of Islamic law there is an interesting topic to discuss, that is maqasid al-shari‘ah. Recen...
Ijtihad conducted by Ali ibn Abi Talib continuously to understand in depth the purpose of Islamic la...
Basically, Islamic legal thought is very demanding a person's understanding of the Qur'an and alhadi...
This paper discusses Shafi'i’s model of da’wah in the discovery of Islamic law. Al-Shafi'i is one of...
Adalah amat penting bagi seseorang Muslim bermazhab Shafie yang mempelopori wilayah Asia Tenggara un...
Abstract: This paper specifically investigates conceptual contribution of al-Shafi'iy -as contained ...
This study dealt with the establishment and efforts of Imam Al shafi\u27i in the science of jurispru...
Imam Shafi'i is a mujtahid/scholar who has created a masterpiece in the world of Islam. He is the fi...
Artikel ini cuba menjelaskan konsep al-sunnah mengikut pandangan al-Shaft\u27i. Beberapa kes dirujuk...
Tengku Muhammad Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy is one of the most influential scholars in Islamic law reform in...
Fikih dn Usul Fikih merupakan dua ilmu yang diantara keduanya terdapat hubungan kausalitas. Fikih ad...
writing and codification in Islamic history. He was the student of Imam Abu Hanifa and was fellow of...
Muhammad ibn Idris al-Shafi'i (d. 204 H.), the subject of the present thesis, was a Muslim legist wh...
Rapid development in all fields especially in economic and medical sciences has made the attention o...
Berdasarkan berbagai keterangan dalam Kitab Suci dan Hadis Nabi, dapatlah dikatakan bahwa shalat ada...
In study of Islamic law there is an interesting topic to discuss, that is maqasid al-shari‘ah. Recen...
Ijtihad conducted by Ali ibn Abi Talib continuously to understand in depth the purpose of Islamic la...
Basically, Islamic legal thought is very demanding a person's understanding of the Qur'an and alhadi...