An investor holding a stock needs to decide when to sell it over a given investment horizon. It is tempting to think that she should sell at the maximum price over the entire horizon, which is however impossible to achieve. A close yet realistic goal is to sell the stock at a time when the expected relative error between the selling price and the aforementioned maximum price is minimized. This problem is investigated for a Black-Scholes market. A stock 'goodness index' alpha, defined to be the ratio between the excess return rate and the squared volatility rate, is employed to measure the quality of the stock. It is shown that when the stock is good enough, or to be precise when alpha >= 1/2, the optimal strategy is to hold on to the sto...
Consider a portfolio choice problem maximizing the expected return and simultaneously minimizing a g...
Standard optimal portfolio selection models take no account of the special information that active i...
To try to outperform an externally given benchmark with known weights is the most common equity mand...
An investor holding a stock needs to decide when to sell it over a given investment horizon. It is t...
An investor holding a stock needs to decide when to sell it over a given investment horizon. It is t...
We reconsider the problem of the optimal time to sell a stock studied by Shiryaev et al. (2008) (fol...
We reconsider the problem of the optimal time to sell a stock studied by Shiryaev et al. (2008) (fol...
The trading strategy of 'buy-and-hold for superior stock and sell-at-once for inferior stock', as su...
Never selling stocks is optimal for investors with a long horizon and a realistic range of preferenc...
We are concerned with the optimal decision to sell or buy a stock in a given period with reference t...
In this paper the optimal decision to sell a stock in a given time is investigated when the drift te...
An optimal selling strategy for stock trading is presented in this paper. An investor with a long po...
Considering a positive portfolio diffusion $X$ with negative drift, we investigate optimal stopping ...
Black-Scholes is a pricing model applied as the reference in the derivation of fair price—or the the...
Abstract. We examine the situation when the investor wants to outperform a certain benchmark by acti...
Consider a portfolio choice problem maximizing the expected return and simultaneously minimizing a g...
Standard optimal portfolio selection models take no account of the special information that active i...
To try to outperform an externally given benchmark with known weights is the most common equity mand...
An investor holding a stock needs to decide when to sell it over a given investment horizon. It is t...
An investor holding a stock needs to decide when to sell it over a given investment horizon. It is t...
We reconsider the problem of the optimal time to sell a stock studied by Shiryaev et al. (2008) (fol...
We reconsider the problem of the optimal time to sell a stock studied by Shiryaev et al. (2008) (fol...
The trading strategy of 'buy-and-hold for superior stock and sell-at-once for inferior stock', as su...
Never selling stocks is optimal for investors with a long horizon and a realistic range of preferenc...
We are concerned with the optimal decision to sell or buy a stock in a given period with reference t...
In this paper the optimal decision to sell a stock in a given time is investigated when the drift te...
An optimal selling strategy for stock trading is presented in this paper. An investor with a long po...
Considering a positive portfolio diffusion $X$ with negative drift, we investigate optimal stopping ...
Black-Scholes is a pricing model applied as the reference in the derivation of fair price—or the the...
Abstract. We examine the situation when the investor wants to outperform a certain benchmark by acti...
Consider a portfolio choice problem maximizing the expected return and simultaneously minimizing a g...
Standard optimal portfolio selection models take no account of the special information that active i...
To try to outperform an externally given benchmark with known weights is the most common equity mand...