The High Latitude Level 3 Global AMSR Sea Ice Concentration consists of these major fields: Sea ice concentration - Indicates the fraction of a given ocean grid point covered by ice. Uncertainties - The algorithm uncertainty, the smearing uncertainty and the resulting total uncertainty of each sea ice concentration grid cell. Confidence level - Based on the daily standard deviation within each grid cell, provided as a guide. This product is complementary to the SSMIS global sea ice concentration product (OSI-401-b)
An Arctic and Antarctic sea ice area and extent dataset has been generated by EUMETSAT's Ocean and S...
Sea ice concentrations based on AMSR-E 89GHz data are unprecedented in combining data timeliness (ab...
An operation implementation of a passive microwave sea ice concentration algorithm to support NOAA's...
Daily averaged fractional ice cover in percentage, processed from passive microwave satellite data (...
The sea ice concentration product from the University of Bremen, Institute of Environmental Physics ...
The sea ice concentration product from the University of Bremen, Institute of Environmental Physics ...
Daily averaged fractional ice cover in percentage. Based on passive microwave satellite data over th...
The sea ice concentration product from the University of Bremen, Institute of Environmental Physics ...
Daily averaged fractional ice cover in percentage. Based on passive microwave satellite data over th...
The AMSR-E sea ice standard level 3 products include sea ice concentration, sea ice temperature, and...
The sea ice concentration product from the University of Bremen, Institute of Environmental Physics ...
This study presents the improvement in ice edge error within the US Navy's operational sea ice forec...
The Goddard Institute for Space Studies global climate model (GISS GCM) is used to examine the sensi...
An Arctic and Antarctic sea ice area and extent dataset has been generated by EUMETSAT's Ocean and S...
Sea ice estimates from AMSR2 are intercalibrated with AMSR-E fields through a two-step process. Firs...
An Arctic and Antarctic sea ice area and extent dataset has been generated by EUMETSAT's Ocean and S...
Sea ice concentrations based on AMSR-E 89GHz data are unprecedented in combining data timeliness (ab...
An operation implementation of a passive microwave sea ice concentration algorithm to support NOAA's...
Daily averaged fractional ice cover in percentage, processed from passive microwave satellite data (...
The sea ice concentration product from the University of Bremen, Institute of Environmental Physics ...
The sea ice concentration product from the University of Bremen, Institute of Environmental Physics ...
Daily averaged fractional ice cover in percentage. Based on passive microwave satellite data over th...
The sea ice concentration product from the University of Bremen, Institute of Environmental Physics ...
Daily averaged fractional ice cover in percentage. Based on passive microwave satellite data over th...
The AMSR-E sea ice standard level 3 products include sea ice concentration, sea ice temperature, and...
The sea ice concentration product from the University of Bremen, Institute of Environmental Physics ...
This study presents the improvement in ice edge error within the US Navy's operational sea ice forec...
The Goddard Institute for Space Studies global climate model (GISS GCM) is used to examine the sensi...
An Arctic and Antarctic sea ice area and extent dataset has been generated by EUMETSAT's Ocean and S...
Sea ice estimates from AMSR2 are intercalibrated with AMSR-E fields through a two-step process. Firs...
An Arctic and Antarctic sea ice area and extent dataset has been generated by EUMETSAT's Ocean and S...
Sea ice concentrations based on AMSR-E 89GHz data are unprecedented in combining data timeliness (ab...
An operation implementation of a passive microwave sea ice concentration algorithm to support NOAA's...