---- The bulletin collects CLIMAT TEMP reports: FM 75 (CLIMAT TEMP, Report of monthly aerological means from a land station). (Refer to WMO No.306 - Manual on Codes for the definition of WMO international codes) ---- The CUAA01 TTAAii Data Designators decode (2) as: T1 (C): Climatic data. T2 (U): Monthly means (upper air). A1A2 (AA): Antarctic. (2: Refer to WMO No.386 - Manual on the GTS - Attachment II.5) ---- The bulletin collects reports from stations: Halley and Rothera ---- WMO No.9 - Volume C1 'Remarks' field: MONTHLY CLIMATE UPPER AIR ---- Please review: Bulletin constraints (gmd:resourceConstraints) should reflect the GTS Category (WMO_DataLicenseCode) and GTS Priority (WMO_GTSProductCategoryCode) of the bulletin. Bulletin Or...