Sejumlah persoalan ekonomi yang terjadi pada masa kekuasaan Mamluk (1250- 1517 M) ditengarai sebagai akibat dari pergantian sistem mata uang, yaitu dari sistem uang berbasis komoditas (emas dan perak) menjadi uang berbasis fiat (fulus). Tingkat harga-harga cenderung tidak stabil, aktivitas perdagangan melambat, pengagguran semakin meningkat adalah sejumlah indikator perekonomian yang terjadi pada saat itu. Persoalan makro ekonomian ini ditengarai akibat perubahan sistem uang tersebut. Penelitian ini menganalisis hubungan dinamis antara harga emas sebagai representasi dari sistem uang komoditas dan M2 sebagai representasi uang fiat terhadap stabilitas indikator ekonomi seperti tingkat inflasi, pertumbuhan ekonomi, harga saham, tingkat pengan...
AbstractMoney is one of the most important economic instruments. Almost all economic activities are ...
The objective of this study is to analyze the stability of money demand in Indonesia before and afte...
Islam memiliki pandangan yang khas mengenai sistem moneter atau keuangan. Bahwa sistem moneter atau ...
Sejumlah masalah ekonomi yang terjadi pada masa kekuasaan Mamluk (1250-1517 M) dianggap sebagai akib...
In many economic literatures, economy is divided into two sectors, real sector which covers seroice ...
In many economic literatures, economy is divided into two sectors, real sector which covers seroice ...
The application of fiat money in transaction makes unstability in economy. To solve this problem, it...
Abstrak Ketidakstabilan ekonomi hari ini banyak di tenggarai akibat penggunaan fiat money. Diperluk...
Pasca ditinggalkannya mata uang emas dan mata uang berstandar emas pada tahun 1914, terjadi the grea...
One of the main sources of the currency crisis experienced by Indonesia is the use of paper money th...
Berbagai kasus mutakhir krisis ekonomi global yang berulang –terutama krisis moneter (keuangan)– mem...
The role of money is very important in human life. Without money, economic sector will not play the ...
Recent monetary crises have brought back the interest of scholars especially Muslim scholars to re-e...
The exchange rate is defined as the currency that can be exchanged as one unit of another currency, ...
The objective of this study is to analyze the stability of money demand in Indonesia before and afte...
AbstractMoney is one of the most important economic instruments. Almost all economic activities are ...
The objective of this study is to analyze the stability of money demand in Indonesia before and afte...
Islam memiliki pandangan yang khas mengenai sistem moneter atau keuangan. Bahwa sistem moneter atau ...
Sejumlah masalah ekonomi yang terjadi pada masa kekuasaan Mamluk (1250-1517 M) dianggap sebagai akib...
In many economic literatures, economy is divided into two sectors, real sector which covers seroice ...
In many economic literatures, economy is divided into two sectors, real sector which covers seroice ...
The application of fiat money in transaction makes unstability in economy. To solve this problem, it...
Abstrak Ketidakstabilan ekonomi hari ini banyak di tenggarai akibat penggunaan fiat money. Diperluk...
Pasca ditinggalkannya mata uang emas dan mata uang berstandar emas pada tahun 1914, terjadi the grea...
One of the main sources of the currency crisis experienced by Indonesia is the use of paper money th...
Berbagai kasus mutakhir krisis ekonomi global yang berulang –terutama krisis moneter (keuangan)– mem...
The role of money is very important in human life. Without money, economic sector will not play the ...
Recent monetary crises have brought back the interest of scholars especially Muslim scholars to re-e...
The exchange rate is defined as the currency that can be exchanged as one unit of another currency, ...
The objective of this study is to analyze the stability of money demand in Indonesia before and afte...
AbstractMoney is one of the most important economic instruments. Almost all economic activities are ...
The objective of this study is to analyze the stability of money demand in Indonesia before and afte...
Islam memiliki pandangan yang khas mengenai sistem moneter atau keuangan. Bahwa sistem moneter atau ...