Abstrak: Sampai saat ini, pengekangan adalah cara yang paling efektif untuk meningkatkan daktilitas pada beton mutu tinggi. Pengekangan dibutuhkan untuk mengantisipasi timbulnya retak langsung pada balok tinggi yang diakibatkan oleh gaya geser yang cukup besar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pola keruntuhan dan daktilitas balok tinggi beton mutu tinggi akibat pengekangan. Penelitian ini melakukan pengujian secara bertahap menggunalan metode elemen hingga dengan bantuan program komputasi ANSYS. Tahapan permodelan dilakukan secara 3D full scale untuk menunjukan pola tegangan khususnya pada tulangan. Pengujian model balok tinggi beton mutu tinggi dilakukan secara bertahap dengan memberikan variasi jarak dan letak tulangan sengkang....
Reinforced concrete is a composite element consisting of concrete and reinforcing steel planted in c...
Deep beam is the reinforced concrete structure, which has loads like normal beam, but has acomparati...
Beam and plate are dominant element of a reinforced concrete building which experience pressure and ...
Analysis of the effect of the layout of reinforcement in reinforced concrete beams with different di...
Abstrak: Industri semen menyumbang hingga 8% dari seluruh emisi gas karbon dioksida secara global. B...
Reinforced concrete beams are one of the structural elements that have an important role in determin...
Studi kasus perilaku lentur balok beton bertulang dengan penambahan serat tali beneser dilakukan s...
Beam is widely used for building and mechanical structure. The beam characteristics must be able to ...
Beam is widely used for building and mechanical structure. The beam characteristics must be able to ...
Strut-and-tie models (model fighters and binder) is derived from the truss analogy models. Concrete ...
Plastic hinge regions of beam needs special attention, especially in the face of the column while r...
Beam and plate are dominant element of a reinforced concrete building which experience pressure and ...
Test the load to collapse needed to test the reliability of the structure , ie by knowing the maximu...
ABSTRACT Romi Azhari, 2015. The Effect of Adding Bendrat with Fly Ash and Bestmittel in High Quality...
Reinforced concrete is a composite element consisting of concrete and reinforcing steel planted in c...
Deep beam is the reinforced concrete structure, which has loads like normal beam, but has acomparati...
Beam and plate are dominant element of a reinforced concrete building which experience pressure and ...
Analysis of the effect of the layout of reinforcement in reinforced concrete beams with different di...
Abstrak: Industri semen menyumbang hingga 8% dari seluruh emisi gas karbon dioksida secara global. B...
Reinforced concrete beams are one of the structural elements that have an important role in determin...
Studi kasus perilaku lentur balok beton bertulang dengan penambahan serat tali beneser dilakukan s...
Beam is widely used for building and mechanical structure. The beam characteristics must be able to ...
Beam is widely used for building and mechanical structure. The beam characteristics must be able to ...
Strut-and-tie models (model fighters and binder) is derived from the truss analogy models. Concrete ...
Plastic hinge regions of beam needs special attention, especially in the face of the column while r...
Beam and plate are dominant element of a reinforced concrete building which experience pressure and ...
Test the load to collapse needed to test the reliability of the structure , ie by knowing the maximu...
ABSTRACT Romi Azhari, 2015. The Effect of Adding Bendrat with Fly Ash and Bestmittel in High Quality...
Reinforced concrete is a composite element consisting of concrete and reinforcing steel planted in c...
Deep beam is the reinforced concrete structure, which has loads like normal beam, but has acomparati...
Beam and plate are dominant element of a reinforced concrete building which experience pressure and ...