Buku ini memberikan pengetahuan tentang aneka jenis tanaman penghasil zat warna alami terutama untuk industri batik dan kerajinan kecil dan menengah maupun penggun umum, yang merupakan hasil penelitian oleh penulis di Balai Besar Kerajinan dan Batik Yogyakarta. Bahan pewarna alami diperoleh secara alami atau dari tanaman secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Bagian-bagian yang dimanfaatkan antara lain batang, kulit kayu, daun, akar, bunga, biji, buah, dan getah dengan berbagai jenis dan jumlah zat pewarna. Zat pewarna merupakan bahan yang memiliki fungsi menyelamatkan tren warna alami, sebagai komposisi organik dalam sumber pewarna alami. Dalam satu jenis tanaman terdapat lebih dari zat warna misal haematein, morin, katekin, quercetin, but...
West Kalimantan is one of regions of Indonesia which has a plentiful biodiversity. One of the utiliz...
Uba is one of the natural dyes derived from the bark of salam, besides being used as a dye and prese...
Indonesia is known to possess abundant natural resources as well as a diverse textile tradition. Som...
Tren dalam desain dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor seperti peristiwa dunia, situasi ekonomi, pengaru...
Produk batik warna alam sedang mengalami tren seiring meningkatnya kesadaran masyarakat terhadap kes...
The increasing public awareness of the dangers posed by the use of synthetic dyes led people to use ...
Baground: Food color is one of the factors that consumers consider when choosing and evaluating food...
Staining on industrial woven fabric with synthetic dyes cause adverse effects on health and the envi...
Pemanfaatan bahan pewarna sintetis pada kain pembuatan batik saat ini memang sudah banyak digunakan ...
Natural colour is colour can be got from in the nature. They are from plants (wood skin, root, flowe...
Technological advance leads the natural dyes to be eroded by the synthetic one. Synthetic colorant h...
The global awareness in saving the environment and the appreciation towards the values of local wisd...
Since ancient times, natural dyes have been used for the colouration of food products, cosmetics, te...
Tren dalam desain dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor seperti peristiwa dunia, situasi ekonomi, pengaru...
The global awareness in saving the environment and the appreciation towards the values of local wisd...
West Kalimantan is one of regions of Indonesia which has a plentiful biodiversity. One of the utiliz...
Uba is one of the natural dyes derived from the bark of salam, besides being used as a dye and prese...
Indonesia is known to possess abundant natural resources as well as a diverse textile tradition. Som...
Tren dalam desain dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor seperti peristiwa dunia, situasi ekonomi, pengaru...
Produk batik warna alam sedang mengalami tren seiring meningkatnya kesadaran masyarakat terhadap kes...
The increasing public awareness of the dangers posed by the use of synthetic dyes led people to use ...
Baground: Food color is one of the factors that consumers consider when choosing and evaluating food...
Staining on industrial woven fabric with synthetic dyes cause adverse effects on health and the envi...
Pemanfaatan bahan pewarna sintetis pada kain pembuatan batik saat ini memang sudah banyak digunakan ...
Natural colour is colour can be got from in the nature. They are from plants (wood skin, root, flowe...
Technological advance leads the natural dyes to be eroded by the synthetic one. Synthetic colorant h...
The global awareness in saving the environment and the appreciation towards the values of local wisd...
Since ancient times, natural dyes have been used for the colouration of food products, cosmetics, te...
Tren dalam desain dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor seperti peristiwa dunia, situasi ekonomi, pengaru...
The global awareness in saving the environment and the appreciation towards the values of local wisd...
West Kalimantan is one of regions of Indonesia which has a plentiful biodiversity. One of the utiliz...
Uba is one of the natural dyes derived from the bark of salam, besides being used as a dye and prese...
Indonesia is known to possess abundant natural resources as well as a diverse textile tradition. Som...