Context. The star V426 Sge (HBHA 1704-05), originally classified as an emission-line object and a semi-regular variable, brightened at the beginning of August 2018, showing signatures of a symbiotic star outburst. Aims. We aim to confirm the nature of V426 Sge as a classical symbiotic star, determine the photometric ephemeris of the light minima, and suggest the path from its 1968 symbiotic nova outburst to the following 2018 Z And-type outburst. Methods. We re-constructed an historical light curve (LC) of V426 Sge from approximately the year 1900, and used original low- (R ∼ 500–1500; 330–880 nm) and high-resolution (R ∼ 11 000–34 000; 360–760 nm) spectroscopy complemented with Swift-XRT and UVOT, optical UBVRCIC and near-infrared JHKL pho...