Oxygen budget in low-mass protostars: the NGC 1333-IRAS4A R1 shock observed in [O 

  • L. E. Kristensen
  • A. Gusdorf
  • J. C. Mottram
  • A. Karska
  • R. Visser
  • H. Wiesemeyer
  • R. Güsten
  • R. Simon
Publication date
May 2017
EDP Sciences


In molecular outflows from forming low-mass protostars, most oxygen is expected to be locked up in water. However, Herschel observations have shown that typically an order of magnitude or more of the oxygen is still unaccounted for. To test if the oxygen is instead in atomic form, SOFIA-GREAT observed the R1 position of the bright molecular outflow from NGC 1333-IRAS4A. The [O 

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