The essential role of the Walker A motifs of SUR1 in K-ATP channel activation by Mg-ADP and diazoxide.

  • Gribble, F
  • Tucker, S
  • Ashcroft, F
Publication date
January 1997
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The ATP-sensitive K-channel (K-ATP channel) plays a key role in insulin secretion from pancreatic beta-cells. It is closed by glucose metabolism, which stimulates insulin secretion, and opened by the drug diazoxide, which inhibits insulin release. Metabolic regulation is mediated by changes in ATP and Mg-ADP, which inhibit and potentiate channel activity, respectively. The beta-cell K-ATP channel consists of a pore-forming subunit, Kir6.2, and a regulatory subunit, SUR1. We have mutated (independently or together) two lysine residues in the Walker A (W(A)) motifs of the first (K719A) and second (K1384M) nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs) of SUR1. These mutations are expected to inhibit nucleotide hydrolysis. Our results indicate that the W(A...

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