High spin resonances produced in

  • Igor Kachaev
  • Dmitry Ryabchikov
Publication date
February 2019
EDP Sciences


A study of high spin resonances produced in π+π−π− and π−π0π0 systems with 29 GeV/c π− beam on Be target is presented. About 87 million events for the first one and 32 million events for the second one are collected with VES setup in a wide range of transfer momentum squared 0 < |t′| < 1 GeV2/c2. For both reactions this is the largest statistics in the world. The data are analysed using the PWA formalism of full rank density matrix and rank 1 density matrix. The a3(1875) and a4(2040) meson parameters are given and their production mechanism is discussed

Extracted data

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