The code of ethics is a moral rule for people with professions that serve as a code of conduct (guidelines) in applying science and knowledge to the community. The code of ethics is not a legal norm. Violation of ethical principles will has given the moral and ethics sanctions by professional organizations and is not punishable by law. One of those professions that are bounded to a code of conduct is the nursing profession. Nursing ethics is a measure of professional conduct based on moral values which are believed; those come from universal values and from the local or national characteristics of social and cultural values. But the tendency of change in view of the nursing service that originally is altruism towards services of ...
Appreciating the code of ethics is a foundation to implement and maintain the teachers profession. T...
Abstract Ethical issues are problems related to human existence in all its aspects, both as individu...
Wacana pemikiran berangkat dari realitas para penegak hukum (khususnya hakim) yang mengabaikan nilai...
The code of ethics is a moral rule for people with professions that serve as a code of conduc...
Hakim sebagai salah satu aparat penegak hukum (Legal Aparatus) sudah memiliki kode etik sebagai stan...
 Background. It is very important for nurses to carry out nursing care actions professionally by ad...
Ethics are ideas, ideals about human desires, behavior or human behavior, ethics always provides goo...
Etika profesi adalah nilai dan norma moral (yang berkaitan dengan apa yang baik/buruk, yang benar/sa...
Završni rad ukazuje na poveznicu osnovnih načela morala, odnosno etike i suvremene sestrinske prakse...
Etika Profesi Hukum adalah himpunan asas-asas dan nilai-nilai moral yang diberi bentuk tertulis untu...
The professional code of ethics is a reference for individual behavior or a suit which is deemed nec...
Hakim merupakan profesi khusus yang dimiliki seseorang yang mempunyai keahlian dalam bidang hukum, n...
Etika merupakan cabang dari ilmu filsafat yang berbicara tentang praktik manusiawi, atau tentang tin...
Each profession has its own competence. Some of them are protected by law, other is governed by the ...
Bahasa Indonesia: Dalam profesi keguruan terdapat kode etik untuk menjunjung tinggi martabat profes...
Appreciating the code of ethics is a foundation to implement and maintain the teachers profession. T...
Abstract Ethical issues are problems related to human existence in all its aspects, both as individu...
Wacana pemikiran berangkat dari realitas para penegak hukum (khususnya hakim) yang mengabaikan nilai...
The code of ethics is a moral rule for people with professions that serve as a code of conduc...
Hakim sebagai salah satu aparat penegak hukum (Legal Aparatus) sudah memiliki kode etik sebagai stan...
 Background. It is very important for nurses to carry out nursing care actions professionally by ad...
Ethics are ideas, ideals about human desires, behavior or human behavior, ethics always provides goo...
Etika profesi adalah nilai dan norma moral (yang berkaitan dengan apa yang baik/buruk, yang benar/sa...
Završni rad ukazuje na poveznicu osnovnih načela morala, odnosno etike i suvremene sestrinske prakse...
Etika Profesi Hukum adalah himpunan asas-asas dan nilai-nilai moral yang diberi bentuk tertulis untu...
The professional code of ethics is a reference for individual behavior or a suit which is deemed nec...
Hakim merupakan profesi khusus yang dimiliki seseorang yang mempunyai keahlian dalam bidang hukum, n...
Etika merupakan cabang dari ilmu filsafat yang berbicara tentang praktik manusiawi, atau tentang tin...
Each profession has its own competence. Some of them are protected by law, other is governed by the ...
Bahasa Indonesia: Dalam profesi keguruan terdapat kode etik untuk menjunjung tinggi martabat profes...
Appreciating the code of ethics is a foundation to implement and maintain the teachers profession. T...
Abstract Ethical issues are problems related to human existence in all its aspects, both as individu...
Wacana pemikiran berangkat dari realitas para penegak hukum (khususnya hakim) yang mengabaikan nilai...