The parallelization performance of the TERESA Code for Trapped Element REduction in Semi lagrangian Approach is analyzed. TERESA is a kinetic code in four dimensions (4D), two in "real" space and two "energy" coordinates. It addresses the turbulent evolution of the distribution of ions governed by uctuations of the electric potential. The numerical scheme is split into four steps: the 4D advection of the distribution function with the Vlasov equation, the computation of the charge density, the calculation of the electric potential using the quasineutrality asymptotic limit of the Poisson equation and finally, the two high frequency averages of the electric potential in order to compute the advection field. Starting from an initial standard...
The solution of the pressure Poisson equation arising in the numerical solution of incompressible Na...
The numerical solution of a computationally intensive model becomes more complex in terms of executi...
In this report we describe the parallel implementation of semi-Lagrangian Vlasov solvers, which are ...
We describe a 3-dimensional adaptive mesh refinement Poisson solver. The complete program consists o...
The aim of this paper is to examine whether a hybrid approach of parallel computing, a combination ...
Colloque avec actes sans comité de lecture.We shall first introduce the semi-lagrangian method and i...
AbstractIn this paper we explored parallelization of PPE (pressure Poisson equation) solvers with th...
The Poisson-Boltzmann equation models the electrostatic potential generated by fixed charges on a po...
The challenging problems arising from fast parallel N-body simulations became a driver for high perf...
Abstract—This paper considers the parallelization of two Particle-in-Cell (PIC) codes which simulate...
Poisson's equation is found in many scientific problems, such as heat transfer and electric field ca...
Two acceleration techniques, based on additive corrections are evaluated with a multithreaded 2D Poi...
International audienceWe study the evolution of one million test particles in a turbulent plasma sim...
This work is devoted to the development of efficient parallel algorithms for the direct numerical si...
Program transformations and algorithm modifications are discussed that reduce execution time for ite...
The solution of the pressure Poisson equation arising in the numerical solution of incompressible Na...
The numerical solution of a computationally intensive model becomes more complex in terms of executi...
In this report we describe the parallel implementation of semi-Lagrangian Vlasov solvers, which are ...
We describe a 3-dimensional adaptive mesh refinement Poisson solver. The complete program consists o...
The aim of this paper is to examine whether a hybrid approach of parallel computing, a combination ...
Colloque avec actes sans comité de lecture.We shall first introduce the semi-lagrangian method and i...
AbstractIn this paper we explored parallelization of PPE (pressure Poisson equation) solvers with th...
The Poisson-Boltzmann equation models the electrostatic potential generated by fixed charges on a po...
The challenging problems arising from fast parallel N-body simulations became a driver for high perf...
Abstract—This paper considers the parallelization of two Particle-in-Cell (PIC) codes which simulate...
Poisson's equation is found in many scientific problems, such as heat transfer and electric field ca...
Two acceleration techniques, based on additive corrections are evaluated with a multithreaded 2D Poi...
International audienceWe study the evolution of one million test particles in a turbulent plasma sim...
This work is devoted to the development of efficient parallel algorithms for the direct numerical si...
Program transformations and algorithm modifications are discussed that reduce execution time for ite...
The solution of the pressure Poisson equation arising in the numerical solution of incompressible Na...
The numerical solution of a computationally intensive model becomes more complex in terms of executi...
In this report we describe the parallel implementation of semi-Lagrangian Vlasov solvers, which are ...