Infrared and UV-visible spectra of layer semiconductors Gas, GaSe and GaTe

  • U. Giorgianni
  • G. Mondio
  • P. Perillo
  • G. Saitta
  • G. Vermiglio
Publication date
January 1977
EDP Sciences


Wavelength derivative and thermomodulated reflectivity spectra of gallium telluride in the UV-visible range (1.0-6.0 eV), and infrared (15-80 meV) derivative absorption spectra of gallium sulphide and selenide at room temperature are presented and interpreted as due to three-dimensional or two-dimensional critical points and one or two phonons absorption respectively A new model for the complex dielectric constant is used to identify the nature of the observed structures in the range of the interband transitions.On présente les spectres de réflectivité thermomodulée et dérivée du tellurure de gallium dans la région UV-visible (1-6 eV) et les spectres d'absorption dérivée du sulfure et du séléniure de gallium dans l'infrarouge (15-80 meV) à ...

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