Spectromètre pour la polarisation dynamique des protons dans un champ de 50 kilogauss

  • M. Odehnal
  • P. Néel
  • V. Bouffard
  • Cl. Pasquette
Publication date
January 1971
EDP Sciences


A description is given of an apparatus for the dynamic polarization of protons in a field of 50 kG. The frequencies of the electron and nuclear paramagnetic resonance spectrometers are ∼ 132 GHz and 202 MHz respectively. The magnetic field of 50 kG is created by a superconducting coil. The temperature of the sample is around 1 °K. The results of the polarization of protons in ethyleneglycol suggest the construction of a similar apparatus for an operating polarized proton target which can give the same performances as the polarized targets now working at 25 kG and ∼ 0,5 °K.Nous donnons la description d'un appareillage pour la polarisation dynamique des protons dans un champ de 50 kG. Les fréquences des spectromètres de résonance paramagnétiq...

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