Evidence for magnetic organization of high Tc superconductor YBa 2 Cu8O7 observed by neutron diffraction

  • B. Farnoux
  • R. Kahn
  • A. Brulet
  • G. Collin
  • J.P. Pouget
Publication date
January 1987
EDP Sciences


Neutron diffraction experiments on powder in a magnetic field on the high Tc superconductor YBa2Cu3O7 reveal the existence of diffuse intensity below the critical temperature. This diffraction is observed on the ring corresponding to the 001 reflection (d = 11.65Å) of the orthorhombic lattice. Two symmetric spots, with intensity twice that of the nuclear diffraction appear in the plane normal to the magnetic field. This phenomenon is reversible and vanishes for T ≻ Tc. The nuclear diffraction ring does not exhibit any texture even in presence of the additional diffraction observed with the magnetic field.Des expériences de diffraction de neutrons sur des poudres de YBa 2Cu3O7 montrent l'apparition d'intensité diffuse sous champ magnétique a...

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