Abstrak: Pupuk organik berperan dalam meningkatkan kesuburan fisik, kimia dan biologi tanah serta mengefisienkanpenggunaan pupuk anorganik. Kualitas dan komposisi pupuk organik bervariasi tergantung dari bahan dasar kompos dan prosespembuatannya. Penggunaan tanaman legum baik berupa tanaman lorong (alley cropping) maupun tanaman penutup tanah (covercrop) serta bahan organik insitu, perlu diintensifkan untuk mendukung pemanfaatan pupuk organik non komersial danpemulihan kesuburan tanah.Pemberdayaan masyarakat dan kelompok tani dalam pengadaan pupuk organik dapat dilakukanmelalui: a) melatih petani membuat pupuk organik insitu yang berasal dari kotoran ternak dan sisa tanaman yangdikomposkan;b) mendorong petani melakukan diversifikasi usaha p...
Organic materials have an important role in increasing the fertility of soil, both on the growth and...
Penelitian ini mengenai pertumbuhan dan produksi padi yang diaplikasi pupuk organik dan pupuk hayati...
The practices of crop productions in a closed farming system is an organic farming practice which, a...
: It is inevitable that organic fertilizer plays a major role in increasing the fertility of the phy...
Abstrak: Limbah peternakan dan pertanian akan berdampak negatif pada lingkungan seperti pencemaran u...
ABSTRAKPupuk Hayati merupakan inokulan berbahan aktif organisme hidup yang berfungsi untuk menfiksas...
Increased production in agriculture affects the income and welfare of farmers. One of the factors th...
Abstrak: Pemupukan merupakan salah satu usaha penting untuk meningkatkan produksi pertanian yang sud...
Rice demand as Indonesian main food will keep increase. But until now most of rice production still ...
Fertilizer is the main ingredient for plant growth, one of which is organic fertilizer. Organic fert...
Problems faced by the Pangisoreng UPB partners and Allapporeng II farmer groups are the unavailabili...
ABSTRACT The study of influence organic manure to save the fertilizer to get yield of rice (Oriza sa...
It is well known that using chemical fertilizers increases agricultural productions that could be pr...
Organic farming uses natural resources to improve the health and productivity of soil and plants. Nu...
Study on Utilization of Organic Fertilizer in Paddy Rice Field Plant in Pinrang South Sulawesi. Stud...
Organic materials have an important role in increasing the fertility of soil, both on the growth and...
Penelitian ini mengenai pertumbuhan dan produksi padi yang diaplikasi pupuk organik dan pupuk hayati...
The practices of crop productions in a closed farming system is an organic farming practice which, a...
: It is inevitable that organic fertilizer plays a major role in increasing the fertility of the phy...
Abstrak: Limbah peternakan dan pertanian akan berdampak negatif pada lingkungan seperti pencemaran u...
ABSTRAKPupuk Hayati merupakan inokulan berbahan aktif organisme hidup yang berfungsi untuk menfiksas...
Increased production in agriculture affects the income and welfare of farmers. One of the factors th...
Abstrak: Pemupukan merupakan salah satu usaha penting untuk meningkatkan produksi pertanian yang sud...
Rice demand as Indonesian main food will keep increase. But until now most of rice production still ...
Fertilizer is the main ingredient for plant growth, one of which is organic fertilizer. Organic fert...
Problems faced by the Pangisoreng UPB partners and Allapporeng II farmer groups are the unavailabili...
ABSTRACT The study of influence organic manure to save the fertilizer to get yield of rice (Oriza sa...
It is well known that using chemical fertilizers increases agricultural productions that could be pr...
Organic farming uses natural resources to improve the health and productivity of soil and plants. Nu...
Study on Utilization of Organic Fertilizer in Paddy Rice Field Plant in Pinrang South Sulawesi. Stud...
Organic materials have an important role in increasing the fertility of soil, both on the growth and...
Penelitian ini mengenai pertumbuhan dan produksi padi yang diaplikasi pupuk organik dan pupuk hayati...
The practices of crop productions in a closed farming system is an organic farming practice which, a...