ABSTRAKDalam beberapa tahun terakhir, fungsi hidrologi Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Mamasa tidak dapat bekerja secara optimal dalam memelihara kelangsungan fungsi dam Bakaru, hal ini ditandai dengan terjadinya banjir pada musim hujan dan kekeringan pada musim kemarau, sehingga untuk mencegah kerusakan lebih lanjut diperlukan pengelolaan DAS di wilayah tersebut. Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) mampu mengolah dan menganalisis data/informasi, memadukannya dalam bentuk peta/gambar digitasi, sehingga analisis terhadap degradasi wilayah DAS dapat dilakukan. Untuk studi erosi yang memberikan dampak pada peningkatan laju sedimentasi, estimasi besarnya kehilangan tanah dapat diperoleh dengan mengkalkulasi dan mengoverlay peta yang merupakan komponen ...
The optimal land use system in Bila sub-watershed is the land use system that can give erosion c...
Increased demand for land has become a trigger of land conversion in the Waeruhu watershed uncontrol...
Environmental damage in Indonesia has become a concern for many parties. Flood in rainy season and d...
In the last few years, the hydrology function of Mamasa Watershed could not be performed optimally i...
In the last few years, the hydrology function of Mamasa Watershed could not be performed optimally...
Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) adalah daerah tangkapan air hujan yang rentan terhadap permasalahan sedim...
Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Air Bara merupakan salah satu DAS yang terletak di Pulau Bangka. DAS Air ...
Sedimentasi merupakan permasalahan yang selalu muncul disetiap sungai yang mengalir. Perubahan akiba...
Kedung Ombo reservoir is one of the reservoirs that have a huge potential in providing raw water req...
The research purposeis to analyze erosion hazardous level and sedimentation on Manna watershed, Beng...
Erosion in the watershed generally occurs due to land use that ignores the rules of soil and water c...
Perubahan jumlah manusia dan bentuk kegiatannya akan mengakibatkan perubahan dalam pengelolaan lahan...
The management and utilization of forest products in DAS Matakabo without followed by conservation e...
The river is a source of water that is accommodating and drain the water and material ingredientsbro...
Probolinggo, Lumajang, Jember, Bondowoso, Situbondo dan Banyuwangi merupakan kabupaten yang terletak...
The optimal land use system in Bila sub-watershed is the land use system that can give erosion c...
Increased demand for land has become a trigger of land conversion in the Waeruhu watershed uncontrol...
Environmental damage in Indonesia has become a concern for many parties. Flood in rainy season and d...
In the last few years, the hydrology function of Mamasa Watershed could not be performed optimally i...
In the last few years, the hydrology function of Mamasa Watershed could not be performed optimally...
Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) adalah daerah tangkapan air hujan yang rentan terhadap permasalahan sedim...
Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Air Bara merupakan salah satu DAS yang terletak di Pulau Bangka. DAS Air ...
Sedimentasi merupakan permasalahan yang selalu muncul disetiap sungai yang mengalir. Perubahan akiba...
Kedung Ombo reservoir is one of the reservoirs that have a huge potential in providing raw water req...
The research purposeis to analyze erosion hazardous level and sedimentation on Manna watershed, Beng...
Erosion in the watershed generally occurs due to land use that ignores the rules of soil and water c...
Perubahan jumlah manusia dan bentuk kegiatannya akan mengakibatkan perubahan dalam pengelolaan lahan...
The management and utilization of forest products in DAS Matakabo without followed by conservation e...
The river is a source of water that is accommodating and drain the water and material ingredientsbro...
Probolinggo, Lumajang, Jember, Bondowoso, Situbondo dan Banyuwangi merupakan kabupaten yang terletak...
The optimal land use system in Bila sub-watershed is the land use system that can give erosion c...
Increased demand for land has become a trigger of land conversion in the Waeruhu watershed uncontrol...
Environmental damage in Indonesia has become a concern for many parties. Flood in rainy season and d...