At the Prague Asterix Laser System Center (PALS) the Asterix iodine laser delivering up to 700 J/0.5 ns is used as a pump source for X-ray laser experiments and applications. The prepulse technique was applied which is known to improve the neon-like X-ray laser output at the $J = 0 {-} 1$ transition dramatically. Since Zn slab targets were used the operating wavelength was 21.2 nm. A prepulse having up to 20 J precedes the main pulse by 10 ns. The main beam and the prepulse beam are focussed by two different optical systems separately and their foci are superimposed at the target surface. By implementing a half-cavity set-up for double-pass amplification using a Mo/Si multilayer mirror – which can be used for more than 100 shots – th...