This paper is a sequel of a previous one (Scalar mesons in a chiral quark model with glueball, Eur. Phys. J. A 8, 567 (2000)) where an attempt to construct an effective $U(3)\times U(3)$-symmetric meson Lagrangian with a scalar glueball was made. The glueball was introduced by using the dilaton model on the base of scale invariance. The scale invariance breaking because of current quark masses and the scale anomaly of QCD, reproduced by the dilaton potential, was taken into account. However, in the previous paper, the scale invariance breaking because of the terms like $h_{\phi}\phi_0^2$ and $h_{\sigma}\bar\sigma_0^2$, where $\phi_0$ and $\bar\sigma_0$ are the pseudoscalar and scalar isosinglets, was not taken into account. These terms are...