Let (P) over bar be a sequence of length 2n in which each element of {1, 2, ..., n) occurs twice. Let P ' be a closed curve in a closed surface S having n points of simple self-intersections, inducing a 4-regular graph embedded in S which is 2-face colorable. If the sequence of auto-intersections along P ' is given by (P) over bar, we say that P ' is a 2-face colorable solution for the Gauss code (P) over bar on surface S or a lacet for (P) over bar, on S. In this paper we show (by using surface homology theory mod 2), that the set of lacets for (P) over bar on S are in 1-1 correspondence with the tight solutions of a system of quadratic equations over the Galois field GF(2). If S is the 2-sphere, the projective plane or the Klein bottle, t...