Insoluble Naf in Duraphat® may prolong fluoride reactivity of varnish retained on dental surfaces

  • Fernandez, C. E.
  • Tenuta, L. M. A.
  • Zárate, P.
  • Cury, J. A.
Publication date
November 2015


There is no consensus about the clinical recommendation of the time that Duraphat® varnish should be maintained on enamel surfaces without suffering mechanical disturbance by the patient. Considering the importance of calcium fluoride (CaF2)-like reservoirs on the anticaries effect of professional fluoride application, an in vitro study was designed to test the reactivity of Duraphat® varnish with enamel forming these reservoirs as a function of time. Since most fluoride in Duraphat® varnish is insoluble to react and form products on enamel, the relative contribution of the varnish soluble and insoluble fluoride fractions to the reactivity was also evaluated. For this, whole-varnish, containing soluble and insoluble fluoride (total fluoride...

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