Effects Of Ethanol On The Osteogenesis Around Porous Hydroxyapatite Implants [efeitos Do Etanol Sobre A Osteogênese Ao Redor De Implantes De Hidroxiapatita Porosa]

  • Lima C.C.
  • Silva T.D.
  • Santos L.
  • Nakagaki W.R.
  • Loyola Y.C.S.
  • Resck M.C.C.
  • Camilli J.A.
  • Soares E.A.
  • Garcia J.A.D.
Publication date
November 2015


Alcohol consumption compromises bone tissue, and thus may either impair or stop the fixation and maintenance of osseointegrated implants. To evaluate the effects of 5% and 15% ethanol on bone neoformation around porous hydroxiapatite implants. Fifteen rats were separated into 3 groups of 5 animals each: control (CT); 5% alcohol (A); and 15% alcohol (AA). After four weeks of ethanol consumption, the rats received porous hydroxiapatite implants into surgically made cavities in the femur. After surgery, the animals continued to consume ethanol until day 90 of the experiment, when they were euthanised and their femurs removed for histological processing. Bone tissue was found around the ceramic specimens of all the animals. The largest volume o...

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