Modernity and criticism of modernity: Sociology and some feminists challenges to the categories of analysis

  • Mariano, Silvana Aparecida
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Publication date
November 2015
Cadernos Pagu


This paper deals with the traditions of sociological thought in order to understand and explain modernity and its economical, social and political phenomena which have transformed modern western society, as well as the discussions of the contemporary challenges faced by Sociology and by the production of feminist criticism for the reformulation of scientific traditions. This factor present Sociology with historical, epistemological and methodological issues.Este trabalho aborda as tradições do pensamento sociológico para compreender e explicar a modernidade e seus fenômenos econômicos, sociais e políticos, que transformaram a sociedade moderna ocidental. As discussões em torno dos desafios colocados para a Sociologia para a reformulação das...

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