三十年前北極是一塊具有爭議的領土,許多國家因此在這塊土地產生許多衝突,鮮少透過國際合作的方式解決爭議,今日許多國際政權採取相互合作來處理爭議,在這些政權中北極理事會是最有影響力的,但是怎麼演變到這樣的呢? 這篇論文認為原因是中等強國的參與,並藉由加拿大的參與來探討北極理事會的形成,研究結果發現諸多加拿大領導人相互合作並說服反對政權的意見共組北極理事會,此研究也同時發現中等強國對政權的組成有極重要的影響,此論文的第二部份檢視中國對北極理事會的反應,此論文發現中國對北極策略採取國際法,而在此同時他們企圖在北極理事會中增進自身的影響力,總歸上述此研究在分析上有三項主要發現:中國作為外來政權的反應、中國對北極議題採取法律規範、中國對加拿大的北極主權看法。Thirty years ago the Arctic was a desolate region marked by territorial disputes, mutual suspicion between regional powers, and a complete lack of international cooperation. Today, the Arctic has become a hotbed of cooperation with a mosaic of international regimes governing regional affairs. The Arctic Council has emerged as the most important regime governing Arctic affairs. How did this transformation take place? Thi...
The Ministerial Declaration from the 1st Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting in Iqaluit, 18 September...
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and assess the progress of the Arctic Council in its st...
[[abstract]] 南海海域為印度洋與太平洋之航運要衝,亦是東亞通往中東及地中海的必經之路。九○年代以來,該海域發現蘊藏有大量石油、天然氣,加上地緣戰略和漁業資源的考量,南海逐漸成為國際強權交...
李诗隽 【摘要】 全球气候变暖导致北极冰川融化,这使得北极的价值突显。近年来,沿岸各国乃至圈外国围绕北极海洋主权、海域边界、资源开采、航道控制等海洋权益的地缘政治竞争愈演愈烈,而北极争端的症结则集中体...
The article provides a 10th anniversary assessment of the Arctic Council’s work, regional ocean gove...
關貿總協於一九四八年成立以來、已成為規範世界貿易最重要的 協定。而中共為全球第十五大貿易國、因此自然不應被排除在外 中共之情況特殊、引發一些法律上以及經濟上的問題、使其入蟫藆撬繺祭蛂C共入會案之法律問...
The Arctic Council is an international institution made up of the eight states that have territory i...
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2021The Arctic Council is a collaborative forum of member ...
With the expansion of the Arctic Ocean routes due to the effects of global warming, the possibility ...
Knecht S. The Politics of Arctic International Cooperation. Introducing a Dataset on Stakeholder Par...
In the first part of this study, the author brings out the need for an Arctic Region Council by exam...
The Arctic has entered the world stage, with rapid changes gaining attention from global actors. Cli...
This chapter elaborates on China’s evolving strategy in the Arctic. For China, the Arctic is no long...
The Arctic Council’s (AC) openness to the outside world has become an increasingly important issue i...
The Ministerial Declaration from the 1st Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting in Iqaluit, 18 September...
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and assess the progress of the Arctic Council in its st...
[[abstract]] 南海海域為印度洋與太平洋之航運要衝,亦是東亞通往中東及地中海的必經之路。九○年代以來,該海域發現蘊藏有大量石油、天然氣,加上地緣戰略和漁業資源的考量,南海逐漸成為國際強權交...
李诗隽 【摘要】 全球气候变暖导致北极冰川融化,这使得北极的价值突显。近年来,沿岸各国乃至圈外国围绕北极海洋主权、海域边界、资源开采、航道控制等海洋权益的地缘政治竞争愈演愈烈,而北极争端的症结则集中体...
The article provides a 10th anniversary assessment of the Arctic Council’s work, regional ocean gove...
關貿總協於一九四八年成立以來、已成為規範世界貿易最重要的 協定。而中共為全球第十五大貿易國、因此自然不應被排除在外 中共之情況特殊、引發一些法律上以及經濟上的問題、使其入蟫藆撬繺祭蛂C共入會案之法律問...
The Arctic Council is an international institution made up of the eight states that have territory i...
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2021The Arctic Council is a collaborative forum of member ...
With the expansion of the Arctic Ocean routes due to the effects of global warming, the possibility ...
Knecht S. The Politics of Arctic International Cooperation. Introducing a Dataset on Stakeholder Par...
In the first part of this study, the author brings out the need for an Arctic Region Council by exam...
The Arctic has entered the world stage, with rapid changes gaining attention from global actors. Cli...
This chapter elaborates on China’s evolving strategy in the Arctic. For China, the Arctic is no long...
The Arctic Council’s (AC) openness to the outside world has become an increasingly important issue i...
The Ministerial Declaration from the 1st Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting in Iqaluit, 18 September...
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and assess the progress of the Arctic Council in its st...
[[abstract]] 南海海域為印度洋與太平洋之航運要衝,亦是東亞通往中東及地中海的必經之路。九○年代以來,該海域發現蘊藏有大量石油、天然氣,加上地緣戰略和漁業資源的考量,南海逐漸成為國際強權交...