Razvoj savremenih sistema za ciljanu aplikaciju farmakološki aktivne supstance zasniva se na postojanju interakcija između funkcionalnih grupa makromolekula i površinski aktivne materije što omogućava kontrolisano oslobađanje, smanjenu toksičnost i bolji režim doziranja leka. Prisustvo tenzida, kako se jos površinski aktivne materije nazivaju, u niskim koncentracijima može značajno da izmeni konformaciju makromolekula i viskozitet sistema, i samim tim proširi mogućnosti primene modifikovanjem svojstava. Stoga je poznavanje fizičko-hemijskih osobina vodenih rastvora makromolekul-površinski aktivna materija neophodno radi dobijanja adekvatnog finalnog proizvoda unapređenih osobina uz primenu optimalnih koncentracija pomoćnih supstanci. U radu...
The cationic polyelectrolyte PVp-S/anionic surfactant SDS and anionic polyelectrolyte P(SPMS-S) S/ca...
Yüksek Lisans teziMolekül yapılarında içerdikleri hidrofil ve hidrofob gruplar nedeniyle surfaktanla...
A review. Aq. mixts. contg. ionic surfactants and polymers show significant modifications in their ...
Bu çalışmada anyonik bir yüzey aktif madde olan sodyum dodesilsülfat ile suda çözünür iyonik olmayan...
Na podstawie analizy dostępnych wliteraturze wyników badań kompleksów polimerów z surfaktantami w ro...
This thesis deals with the study of interaction polycations and anionic sufactants with regard to ph...
Aqueous solutions of sodium alkyl sulphate (surfactant) and polyvinylpyrrolidone (polymer) whose phy...
Byla studována interakce kolagenních vláken kolagenu I s anionickými surfaktanty dodecylbenzensulfon...
Aqueous solutions containing sodium dodecyl sulphate, xanthan gum, and salt were characterized by io...
The interaction between cationic cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and anionic sodium dodecyl s...
Surfaktanti imaju značajnu primenu u farmaciji i medicini. Ove supstance se primenjuju u farmakotera...
The interaction between a polymer coded 4364B, containing fluorinated side chains and amine oxide gr...
The interactions of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) with poly(ethylene oxide)/poly(alkylene oxide) (E/A...
A typical liquid soap is composed of a mixture of different types of surfactants to achieve the desi...
57-64Physico-chemical studies of some aqueous surfactant solutions were carried out by employing con...
The cationic polyelectrolyte PVp-S/anionic surfactant SDS and anionic polyelectrolyte P(SPMS-S) S/ca...
Yüksek Lisans teziMolekül yapılarında içerdikleri hidrofil ve hidrofob gruplar nedeniyle surfaktanla...
A review. Aq. mixts. contg. ionic surfactants and polymers show significant modifications in their ...
Bu çalışmada anyonik bir yüzey aktif madde olan sodyum dodesilsülfat ile suda çözünür iyonik olmayan...
Na podstawie analizy dostępnych wliteraturze wyników badań kompleksów polimerów z surfaktantami w ro...
This thesis deals with the study of interaction polycations and anionic sufactants with regard to ph...
Aqueous solutions of sodium alkyl sulphate (surfactant) and polyvinylpyrrolidone (polymer) whose phy...
Byla studována interakce kolagenních vláken kolagenu I s anionickými surfaktanty dodecylbenzensulfon...
Aqueous solutions containing sodium dodecyl sulphate, xanthan gum, and salt were characterized by io...
The interaction between cationic cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and anionic sodium dodecyl s...
Surfaktanti imaju značajnu primenu u farmaciji i medicini. Ove supstance se primenjuju u farmakotera...
The interaction between a polymer coded 4364B, containing fluorinated side chains and amine oxide gr...
The interactions of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) with poly(ethylene oxide)/poly(alkylene oxide) (E/A...
A typical liquid soap is composed of a mixture of different types of surfactants to achieve the desi...
57-64Physico-chemical studies of some aqueous surfactant solutions were carried out by employing con...
The cationic polyelectrolyte PVp-S/anionic surfactant SDS and anionic polyelectrolyte P(SPMS-S) S/ca...
Yüksek Lisans teziMolekül yapılarında içerdikleri hidrofil ve hidrofob gruplar nedeniyle surfaktanla...
A review. Aq. mixts. contg. ionic surfactants and polymers show significant modifications in their ...