aktivnost neurona ima veliki značaj jer je magnetno polje umerene jačine prisutno u životnoj sredini. Jednako važno je i proučavanje mehanizama delovanja umereno jakog statičkog magnetnog polja na biofizičke osobine membrane neurona usled sve veće terapijske primene ovog polja, s tim što odgovarajuća jačina polja i dužina izlaganja polju tek treba da budu precizno određene. Uporednim eksperimentima primenom tehnike intracelularne registracije utvrđeno je da kratkotrajno izlaganje (15 min) umereno jakom statičkom magnetnom polju jačine 2,7 mT i 10 mT dovodi do promena bioelektrične aktivnosti spontano aktivnog Br neurona, dok promene nisu uočene kod nemog N1 neurona. Magnetno polje od 2,7 mT povećalo je amplitudu i skratilo trajanje akcionog...
The components of complex bioelectrical activity - action potential (AP), interspike interval (I...
Spoljašnja magnetna polja (MP) narušavaju ravnotežu bioloških sistema, čak i tokom kraćeg vremena iz...
The effect of extracellular potassium concentration on the membrane electrical activity has been stu...
The spontaneously active Br neuron from the brain-subesophageal ganglion complex of the garden snail...
Compelling evidence supports the use of a moderate static magnetic field (SMF) for therapeutic purpo...
Aim of this study was to investigate the application of normalized mean of the empirical Higuchi fra...
We examined the effects of 50-Hz magnetic fields in the range of flux densities relevant to our curr...
Aim of this study was to investigate the application of normalized mean of the empirical Higuchi...
The effect of extremely low frequency magnetic fields (50 Hz, 0.5 mT) - ELF-MF, on phosphate metabol...
In the present work we report a new combination of fractal analysis and some advanced statistical me...
In the present work we report a new combination of fractal analysis and some advanced statistical m...
Nelinearne i napredne statističke metode, pored linearnih metoda, zauzimaju sve značajnije mesto u ...
The interest in the evaluation of health effects due to EMF has accelerated in the last decades, mos...
Nelinearne i napredne statističke metode, pored linearnih metoda, zauzimaju sve značajnije mesto u a...
The components of complex bioelectrical activity - action potential (AP), interspike interval (ISI) ...
The components of complex bioelectrical activity - action potential (AP), interspike interval (I...
Spoljašnja magnetna polja (MP) narušavaju ravnotežu bioloških sistema, čak i tokom kraćeg vremena iz...
The effect of extracellular potassium concentration on the membrane electrical activity has been stu...
The spontaneously active Br neuron from the brain-subesophageal ganglion complex of the garden snail...
Compelling evidence supports the use of a moderate static magnetic field (SMF) for therapeutic purpo...
Aim of this study was to investigate the application of normalized mean of the empirical Higuchi fra...
We examined the effects of 50-Hz magnetic fields in the range of flux densities relevant to our curr...
Aim of this study was to investigate the application of normalized mean of the empirical Higuchi...
The effect of extremely low frequency magnetic fields (50 Hz, 0.5 mT) - ELF-MF, on phosphate metabol...
In the present work we report a new combination of fractal analysis and some advanced statistical me...
In the present work we report a new combination of fractal analysis and some advanced statistical m...
Nelinearne i napredne statističke metode, pored linearnih metoda, zauzimaju sve značajnije mesto u ...
The interest in the evaluation of health effects due to EMF has accelerated in the last decades, mos...
Nelinearne i napredne statističke metode, pored linearnih metoda, zauzimaju sve značajnije mesto u a...
The components of complex bioelectrical activity - action potential (AP), interspike interval (ISI) ...
The components of complex bioelectrical activity - action potential (AP), interspike interval (I...
Spoljašnja magnetna polja (MP) narušavaju ravnotežu bioloških sistema, čak i tokom kraćeg vremena iz...
The effect of extracellular potassium concentration on the membrane electrical activity has been stu...