The Cochicó shallow lake is part of the Encadenadas del Oeste system (Buenos Aires province, Argentina). Since 2000, the municipal state has been conducting intensive tasks to supplement silverside (Odontesthes bonariensis) fisheries stock by seeding and furtive fishing control, as part of the strategy to improve and protect the resource, in order to achieve a progressive increase of the silverside stock and quality. The aim of this study was to evaluate the silverside population of the Cochicó shallow lake and, consequently, the management policies that are being implemented on this resource. Sampling was performed on a three-month basis, from April 2007 to March 2008, using gillnets and a trawl net. The relative abundance in number was es...
The territory of Puán County encompasses 133 shallow lakes, which resources are barely used. Technic...
En la región oriental de la provincia de La Pampa existen lagunas que fueron sembradas con pejerrey ...
This study aims at characterizing the seasonal dynamics of the ichtyofauna of Alsina lagoon which be...
The Cochicó shallow lake is part of the Encadenadas del Oeste system (Buenos Aires province, Argenti...
During the last decades lagunas were massively incorporated to the circuit of sport fishing, as a re...
South of the Villa Mercedes city (San Luis province, Argentina), there are over one hundred shallow ...
The territory of Puán County encompasses 133 shallow lakes, which resources are barely used. Technic...
The purpose of this study was to describe as well as to characterize the fish populations living in ...
In the last five decades the ictiofauna of Chascomús Shallow lake has been studied in quite detail. ...
The aquatic ecosystems of the Pampean plains usually have highly variable dynamics which affects the...
A good portion of the pampa” territory (center - eastern región of Argentina) is covered by ponds, ...
La Helvecia shallow lake (33°25’16’’S, 62°53’26’’W, 90 ha) is one of the few permanent aquatic envir...
The silverside Odontesthes bonariensis is the most important species in the fisheries of central Arg...
El Coraje shallow lake is an arheic and semi permanent environment, located in SE of the Province of...
The Pararía river, dowstream fron Apipe-Yacíreta dam, is inhabited by almost 217 species, but only 1...
The territory of Puán County encompasses 133 shallow lakes, which resources are barely used. Technic...
En la región oriental de la provincia de La Pampa existen lagunas que fueron sembradas con pejerrey ...
This study aims at characterizing the seasonal dynamics of the ichtyofauna of Alsina lagoon which be...
The Cochicó shallow lake is part of the Encadenadas del Oeste system (Buenos Aires province, Argenti...
During the last decades lagunas were massively incorporated to the circuit of sport fishing, as a re...
South of the Villa Mercedes city (San Luis province, Argentina), there are over one hundred shallow ...
The territory of Puán County encompasses 133 shallow lakes, which resources are barely used. Technic...
The purpose of this study was to describe as well as to characterize the fish populations living in ...
In the last five decades the ictiofauna of Chascomús Shallow lake has been studied in quite detail. ...
The aquatic ecosystems of the Pampean plains usually have highly variable dynamics which affects the...
A good portion of the pampa” territory (center - eastern región of Argentina) is covered by ponds, ...
La Helvecia shallow lake (33°25’16’’S, 62°53’26’’W, 90 ha) is one of the few permanent aquatic envir...
The silverside Odontesthes bonariensis is the most important species in the fisheries of central Arg...
El Coraje shallow lake is an arheic and semi permanent environment, located in SE of the Province of...
The Pararía river, dowstream fron Apipe-Yacíreta dam, is inhabited by almost 217 species, but only 1...
The territory of Puán County encompasses 133 shallow lakes, which resources are barely used. Technic...
En la región oriental de la provincia de La Pampa existen lagunas que fueron sembradas con pejerrey ...
This study aims at characterizing the seasonal dynamics of the ichtyofauna of Alsina lagoon which be...