Conferences on geographical name standardization were organized by the State Geodetic Administration and held in Zagreb from February 9 to 11, 2011: 20th Session of the East Central and South-East Europe Division of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (ECSEED of UNGEGN), Working Group on Toponymic Data Files and Gazetteers (WG TDFG) and EuroGeoGraphics – EuroGeoNames Workshop (EGN).U organizaciji Državne geodetske uprave su od 9. do 11. veljače 2011. u Zagrebu održani skupovi na temu standardizacije geografskih imena: 20. sjednica Odjela za istočnu, srednju i jugoistočnu Europu Skupine stručnjaka UN-a za geografska imena (20th Session of the East Central and South-East Europe Division of the United Nations Group of Exp...