Current dataset of road network. September 2019\r\n\r\nPolyline data for location of roads registered with council across the Northern Grampians Shire region.\r\n\r\n__Field Descriptions__\r\n\r\n+ __AssetID__\tNGSC Asset ID\r\n+ __Name__\tAsset Name\r\n+ __Type__\tAsset Type - Sealed or unsealed\r\n+ __Hierarchy__\tAsset Hierarchy\r\n+ __RMP_Respon__\tRoad Management Plan Responsible authority\r\n+ __RMP_Mainta__\tRoad Management Plan Maintenance authority\r\n+ __Route_Use__\tIndicate bus, bdouble and strategic routes\r\n+ __Zone__\tWorks department zone\r\n+ __Road_group__ Group Name of assets\r\n+ __gid__\tNGSC Asset GID\r\n+ __ExternalOS_ID__\tNGSC Asset external system links\r\n+ __External_ID__\tPrevious NGSC Asset ID\r\n\r\n*Data may...