This research is about the development of sushi in Yogyakarta. Sushi is one of Japanese traditional food, in form of rice that mixed with vinegar and other ingredients. Sushi has become popular throughout the world, including Indonesia. This popularity shows the globalization of sushi, which sushi has been loved worldwide. Sushi has been popular also in Yogyakarta. Based on the analysis conducted, it can be concluded that sushi has been popular in Yogyakarta started from 2011. It can be seen from some sushi restaurants that have started their business since that year. In its development, there are some factors that played some roles, as a supporting factor for sushi to be welcomed by Yogyakarta�s people and as a medium for spreading of su...
Indonesia has very diverse cultures and traditions. The majority of Indonesians are Muslims; therefo...
Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitati razlike u sociodemografskim obilježjima sudionika koji konzumiraj...
. . Noodle is the most popular product for the Indonesian people. It could be served conveniently w...
This study entitled Factors that influence the demand for Japanese food in Purwokerto. Restaurant is...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) mengetahui resep sushi black rice bumbu balado, 2) mengetahui pene...
People in Yogyakarta truly respect cultural inheritance and the ancestors’ tradition. The existence ...
Sushi adalah makanan Jepang yang sangat mudah dari segi penyajiannya. Selain penyajian yang sangat m...
by Mak Ho-Tung.Includes questionnaire.Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1998.Include...
Sushi is now recognized as a typical Japanese food throughout the world. Being sold in a wide variet...
One way to explore globalization and its effects is through tracing changing food networks and the d...
The purpose of this project is to study the market situation and consumers ’ beha-vior in the restau...
Japan has natural resources that can provide sufficient food, both from the mountains, the sea, and ...
The research was organized to find out the possible influence of a new catering company for the deve...
Riau Province makes sago (Metroxylon sp) one of the alternative sources of gluten-free food. Sago ha...
Korean restaurants in Yogyakarta are flourishing in the past ten years. A lot of Korean restaurants...
Indonesia has very diverse cultures and traditions. The majority of Indonesians are Muslims; therefo...
Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitati razlike u sociodemografskim obilježjima sudionika koji konzumiraj...
. . Noodle is the most popular product for the Indonesian people. It could be served conveniently w...
This study entitled Factors that influence the demand for Japanese food in Purwokerto. Restaurant is...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) mengetahui resep sushi black rice bumbu balado, 2) mengetahui pene...
People in Yogyakarta truly respect cultural inheritance and the ancestors’ tradition. The existence ...
Sushi adalah makanan Jepang yang sangat mudah dari segi penyajiannya. Selain penyajian yang sangat m...
by Mak Ho-Tung.Includes questionnaire.Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1998.Include...
Sushi is now recognized as a typical Japanese food throughout the world. Being sold in a wide variet...
One way to explore globalization and its effects is through tracing changing food networks and the d...
The purpose of this project is to study the market situation and consumers ’ beha-vior in the restau...
Japan has natural resources that can provide sufficient food, both from the mountains, the sea, and ...
The research was organized to find out the possible influence of a new catering company for the deve...
Riau Province makes sago (Metroxylon sp) one of the alternative sources of gluten-free food. Sago ha...
Korean restaurants in Yogyakarta are flourishing in the past ten years. A lot of Korean restaurants...
Indonesia has very diverse cultures and traditions. The majority of Indonesians are Muslims; therefo...
Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitati razlike u sociodemografskim obilježjima sudionika koji konzumiraj...
. . Noodle is the most popular product for the Indonesian people. It could be served conveniently w...