Javan langur is an endangered primate species and endemic in Java, which is the highest density populated island in the world. To conserve this protected species under dominated human landscape, understanding habitat characteristics is an important step for conceiving their adaptation ability. The objectives of this study is knowing characteristic of habitats that are used by javan langur, knowing the difference characteristic between habitat used and habitat unused, and also to know the distribution of javan langur habitat in Petungkriyono protected forest. Javan langur population in Petungkriyono protected forest under management of PT. PERHUTANI, in Central Java was choosen for this study. Sample were divided into used plots and unused p...
Baluran National Park is a Nature Conserved Area which is one of the habitat of javan langur, howeve...
Abstract. Rahman DE, Rinaldi D, Kuswanda W, Siregar R, Noor CF, Hakim F, Arief H, Putro HR. 2019. De...
Joja is one of four endangered primates in Siberut Island. Hunting and habitat loss are two things w...
This research describes the Habitat Selection by the javan langur (Trachypithecus auratus) in the Mo...
Javan langur (Trachypithecus auratus É. Geoffroy, 1812) is categorized by IUCN as a vulnerable prima...
AbstractJavan langur (Presbytis comata) is grouped into one of priority species for conservation. Ho...
The West Java black langur (Trachypithecus mauritius) is an Indonesian endemic primate found on the ...
This study aimed to determine habitat characteristics, food plants, population size, and distributio...
Javanese Lutung is an endemic Indonesian primate found in Java and Bali. According to the IUCN, thes...
Abstract. Sodik M, Pudyatmoko S, Yuwono PSH, Tafrichan M, Imron MA. 2020. Better providers of habita...
Javan langur is protected spesies of primates that highly threatened. Habitat degradation as a major...
<p>Javan gibbon is endemic and endangered primate of Java. The research aims to map home ranges and ...
Javan langur is protected spesies of primates that highly threatened. Habitat degradation as a major...
Javan gibbon is endemic and endangered primate of Java. The research aims to map home ranges and ter...
Ecology and Habitat Use of the Endangered Primate Macaca maura (H.R. Schinz, 1825), Endemic to the K...
Baluran National Park is a Nature Conserved Area which is one of the habitat of javan langur, howeve...
Abstract. Rahman DE, Rinaldi D, Kuswanda W, Siregar R, Noor CF, Hakim F, Arief H, Putro HR. 2019. De...
Joja is one of four endangered primates in Siberut Island. Hunting and habitat loss are two things w...
This research describes the Habitat Selection by the javan langur (Trachypithecus auratus) in the Mo...
Javan langur (Trachypithecus auratus É. Geoffroy, 1812) is categorized by IUCN as a vulnerable prima...
AbstractJavan langur (Presbytis comata) is grouped into one of priority species for conservation. Ho...
The West Java black langur (Trachypithecus mauritius) is an Indonesian endemic primate found on the ...
This study aimed to determine habitat characteristics, food plants, population size, and distributio...
Javanese Lutung is an endemic Indonesian primate found in Java and Bali. According to the IUCN, thes...
Abstract. Sodik M, Pudyatmoko S, Yuwono PSH, Tafrichan M, Imron MA. 2020. Better providers of habita...
Javan langur is protected spesies of primates that highly threatened. Habitat degradation as a major...
<p>Javan gibbon is endemic and endangered primate of Java. The research aims to map home ranges and ...
Javan langur is protected spesies of primates that highly threatened. Habitat degradation as a major...
Javan gibbon is endemic and endangered primate of Java. The research aims to map home ranges and ter...
Ecology and Habitat Use of the Endangered Primate Macaca maura (H.R. Schinz, 1825), Endemic to the K...
Baluran National Park is a Nature Conserved Area which is one of the habitat of javan langur, howeve...
Abstract. Rahman DE, Rinaldi D, Kuswanda W, Siregar R, Noor CF, Hakim F, Arief H, Putro HR. 2019. De...
Joja is one of four endangered primates in Siberut Island. Hunting and habitat loss are two things w...