Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinnFjöldi hælisleitenda sem koma til Vesturlanda og segjast vera yngri en 18 ára hefur aukist mikið undanfarinn áratug. Börnum eru tryggð mannréttindi í ýmsum alþjóðasamningum. Þeirra helstur er samningurinn um réttindi barnsins eða Barnasáttmáli Sameinuðu þjóðanna. Réttarkerfið leitar til réttartannlækna til að greina aldur þessa hóps. Tannmyndun er síður trufluð af næringarskorti eða hormónabreytingum en aðrir vaxtarþættir líkamans. Þannig er tannaldur nákvæmari mælikvarði á raunaldur en aðrir þroskamælikvarðar s.s. beinþroski og kynþroski. Aldursgreining þessa hóps er því nákvæmust út frá myndunarskeiði tanna, fyrst og fremst endajaxla. Rannsóknir sýna að h...
Due to lack of identification documents or uncertainty in regard to past life stories asylum-seeking...
Estimation of an individual's age has important applications in forensics. In young individuals, it ...
Umfjöllunarefni þessarar ritgerðar er tvíþætt. Annars vegar er réttarstaða barna í hópi flóttamanna ...
Dob žive osobe definirana je vremenom proteklim od dana rođenja, no ona može biti upitna zbog nekoli...
Globalization does not only lead to increased movement of goods, services and capital – an increasin...
Dental age estimation (AE) tests are routinely done on living and deceased persons. There is anecdo...
Dental age estimation (AE) tests are routinely done on living and deceased persons. There is anecdot...
In Finland, forensic age assessment is strictly regulated by legislation. According to the Aliens Ac...
To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional...
In 2015, more than 35 000 unaccompanied children came to Sweden to seek asylum and only 12 % of them...
Sammanfattning Mineralisering och utveckling av visdomständer kan användas som åldersindikator i ...
During 2014–2015, Sweden received asylum applications from more than 240,000 people, of which more t...
Inledning: Tandvården möter både barn och vuxna asylsökande som har omfattande tandvårdsbehov. ...
AimThe aim of the current study was to retrospectively collect dental panoramic radiographs from Som...
Aim: An ever-increasing number of people seek asylum in Iceland. The wait for resolution on applicat...
Due to lack of identification documents or uncertainty in regard to past life stories asylum-seeking...
Estimation of an individual's age has important applications in forensics. In young individuals, it ...
Umfjöllunarefni þessarar ritgerðar er tvíþætt. Annars vegar er réttarstaða barna í hópi flóttamanna ...
Dob žive osobe definirana je vremenom proteklim od dana rođenja, no ona može biti upitna zbog nekoli...
Globalization does not only lead to increased movement of goods, services and capital – an increasin...
Dental age estimation (AE) tests are routinely done on living and deceased persons. There is anecdo...
Dental age estimation (AE) tests are routinely done on living and deceased persons. There is anecdot...
In Finland, forensic age assessment is strictly regulated by legislation. According to the Aliens Ac...
To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional...
In 2015, more than 35 000 unaccompanied children came to Sweden to seek asylum and only 12 % of them...
Sammanfattning Mineralisering och utveckling av visdomständer kan användas som åldersindikator i ...
During 2014–2015, Sweden received asylum applications from more than 240,000 people, of which more t...
Inledning: Tandvården möter både barn och vuxna asylsökande som har omfattande tandvårdsbehov. ...
AimThe aim of the current study was to retrospectively collect dental panoramic radiographs from Som...
Aim: An ever-increasing number of people seek asylum in Iceland. The wait for resolution on applicat...
Due to lack of identification documents or uncertainty in regard to past life stories asylum-seeking...
Estimation of an individual's age has important applications in forensics. In young individuals, it ...
Umfjöllunarefni þessarar ritgerðar er tvíþætt. Annars vegar er réttarstaða barna í hópi flóttamanna ...