Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinnÁ síðustu 30 árum hefur vísbendingum fjölgað um að kannabisreykingar auki hættu á geðrofi (psychosis) sem geti þróast áfram í geðklofa hjá hluta slíkra einstaklinga. Síðasta áratug hafa verið birtar margar rannsóknir sem skýra tengsl kannabis og geðrofs. Markmið þessarar yfirlitsgreinar er að taka saman og fjalla um þessi tengsl. Farið er yfir niðurstöður 14 ferilrannsókna á 9 rannsóknarþýðum og 9 tilfellaviðmiðarannsókna. Þegar niðurstöður þeirra eru teknar saman styðja þær ótvírætt að notkun kannabis sé sjálfstæður áhættuþáttur fyrir geðrof og að öllum líkindum einnig fyrir þróun langvinnra geðrofssjúkdóma eins og geðklofa. Um skammtaháð samband er að ræð...
Cannabis use has been reported to induce long-lasting psychotic disorders and a dose-response relati...
Accumulating evidence suggests an association between cannabis use and psychosis. However, some conc...
Aim: To model the impact of rising rates of cannabis use on the incidence and prevalence of psychosi...
Kanabis kao sredstvo ovisnosti, može inducirati akutno psihotično stanje. Ostaje upitno može li uzro...
Summary Objectives: Cannabis is the most widely used illicit drug globally and its use has been li...
Det är väl känt att cannabis kan leda till en mängd olika psykiska symtom i direkt anslutning till m...
BACKGROUND: There is now strong evidence that cannabis use increases the risk of psychoses includi...
Schizophrenia is serious mental disorder that affects an estimated 1 in 100 Canadians and their fami...
Large-scale international surveys have found consistently high rates of cannabis use in schizophreni...
The association between cannabinoids and psychosis has been known for almost a thousand years, but i...
Cannabis use increases the risk for psychosis with a dose response relationship; the risk is particu...
Cannabis use is observationally associated with an increased risk of schizophrenia, but whether the ...
We briefly review the evidence that cannabis use in adolescence and young adulthood is a contributor...
Alcohol and cannabis misuse is currently the most frequent co-morbidity disorder of schizophrenia. T...
Alcohol and cannabis misuse is currently the most frequent co-morbidity disorder of schizophrenia. T...
Cannabis use has been reported to induce long-lasting psychotic disorders and a dose-response relati...
Accumulating evidence suggests an association between cannabis use and psychosis. However, some conc...
Aim: To model the impact of rising rates of cannabis use on the incidence and prevalence of psychosi...
Kanabis kao sredstvo ovisnosti, može inducirati akutno psihotično stanje. Ostaje upitno može li uzro...
Summary Objectives: Cannabis is the most widely used illicit drug globally and its use has been li...
Det är väl känt att cannabis kan leda till en mängd olika psykiska symtom i direkt anslutning till m...
BACKGROUND: There is now strong evidence that cannabis use increases the risk of psychoses includi...
Schizophrenia is serious mental disorder that affects an estimated 1 in 100 Canadians and their fami...
Large-scale international surveys have found consistently high rates of cannabis use in schizophreni...
The association between cannabinoids and psychosis has been known for almost a thousand years, but i...
Cannabis use increases the risk for psychosis with a dose response relationship; the risk is particu...
Cannabis use is observationally associated with an increased risk of schizophrenia, but whether the ...
We briefly review the evidence that cannabis use in adolescence and young adulthood is a contributor...
Alcohol and cannabis misuse is currently the most frequent co-morbidity disorder of schizophrenia. T...
Alcohol and cannabis misuse is currently the most frequent co-morbidity disorder of schizophrenia. T...
Cannabis use has been reported to induce long-lasting psychotic disorders and a dose-response relati...
Accumulating evidence suggests an association between cannabis use and psychosis. However, some conc...
Aim: To model the impact of rising rates of cannabis use on the incidence and prevalence of psychosi...