Má práce zaměřená na zkoumání ohně u Hérakleita z Efesu si kladla za cíl prozkoumat, jak jeho nauka o ohni souvisí s jeho dalšími teoriemi a pojmy, zvláště s logem, fysis a nús, proč zrovna oheň stojí v centru Hérakleitovy nauky a jak souvisí s naukami ostatních filozofů té doby.Katedra filozofieObhájenoMy work focused on investigating of fire by Heraclitus from Ephesus set a task to examine how is his doctrine about fire connected with other theories and notions, especially with logos, fysis and nús, and why is exactly fire situated in the centre of Heraclitus? doctrine and how is it connected with doctrine of other philosophers of that period
This paper synthesizes some of the most important aspects to consider for the interpretation of the ...
Available from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:D41053/82 / BLDSC - British Library Docum...
Straipsnyje analizuojama ugnies dievybės senojoje ikikrikščioniškoje lietuvių religijoje ir mitologi...
Má práce zaměřená na zkoumání ohně u Hérakleita z Efesu si kladla za cíl prozkoumat, jak jeho nauka ...
The author sketches the most important aspects of Heraclitean theory of fire as the ‘principle’, ‘be...
The present paper aims at reconstructing the Heraclitean vision of the world from a cosmogonic point...
Darbs ir veltīts Austrumu kristīgās tradīcijas Svētās uguns fenomenam, kas ir daļa no gaismas mistic...
In this paper the authors first analyse Aristotle's view of Heraclitus' philosophy, which is largely...
Práce se zabývá výkladem pojmu logos u Hérakleita z Efesu. V úvodu je pojednáno o nějdůležitějších b...
‘Of Ephesus’ begins with a series of vivid impressions of a wild and free nature—vineyards rolling a...
Cilj ovoga rada je sustavno pregledati život i sadržaj Heraklitove fragmentirane filozofije. U fragm...
Má práce nese název Logos Hérakleita z Efesu. Cílem této práce je objasnit Hérakleitův pohled na svě...
Julio Cortázar was extremely well read in ancient literature and philosophy. He collected editions a...
Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie roli ognia w zaratusztrianizmie na przykładzie wybranych ...
Heraclitus was one of the most often mentioned ancient philosophers in the literary output of Czesła...
This paper synthesizes some of the most important aspects to consider for the interpretation of the ...
Available from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:D41053/82 / BLDSC - British Library Docum...
Straipsnyje analizuojama ugnies dievybės senojoje ikikrikščioniškoje lietuvių religijoje ir mitologi...
Má práce zaměřená na zkoumání ohně u Hérakleita z Efesu si kladla za cíl prozkoumat, jak jeho nauka ...
The author sketches the most important aspects of Heraclitean theory of fire as the ‘principle’, ‘be...
The present paper aims at reconstructing the Heraclitean vision of the world from a cosmogonic point...
Darbs ir veltīts Austrumu kristīgās tradīcijas Svētās uguns fenomenam, kas ir daļa no gaismas mistic...
In this paper the authors first analyse Aristotle's view of Heraclitus' philosophy, which is largely...
Práce se zabývá výkladem pojmu logos u Hérakleita z Efesu. V úvodu je pojednáno o nějdůležitějších b...
‘Of Ephesus’ begins with a series of vivid impressions of a wild and free nature—vineyards rolling a...
Cilj ovoga rada je sustavno pregledati život i sadržaj Heraklitove fragmentirane filozofije. U fragm...
Má práce nese název Logos Hérakleita z Efesu. Cílem této práce je objasnit Hérakleitův pohled na svě...
Julio Cortázar was extremely well read in ancient literature and philosophy. He collected editions a...
Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie roli ognia w zaratusztrianizmie na przykładzie wybranych ...
Heraclitus was one of the most often mentioned ancient philosophers in the literary output of Czesła...
This paper synthesizes some of the most important aspects to consider for the interpretation of the ...
Available from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:D41053/82 / BLDSC - British Library Docum...
Straipsnyje analizuojama ugnies dievybės senojoje ikikrikščioniškoje lietuvių religijoje ir mitologi...